本文介绍了使用Desktop App Converter创建UWP后安装失败的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我决定在转换我的工具时遇到另一个难题( https://github.com/mikecann/Windows7-Taskbar-Monitor )到使用Desktop App Converter的Windows应用商店.

I decided to have another crack at converting my tool (https://github.com/mikecann/Windows7-Taskbar-Monitor) to a windows store app using the Desktop App Converter.


1)强制将我的机器更新为周年纪念更新.2)下载了Desktop App Converter和.wim文件.3)设置基本映像.wim4)使用以下程序在我的自解压安装程序中运行转换器:

1) Force-updated my machine to the anniversary update.2) Downloaded Desktop App Converter and .wim file.3) Setup the base image .wim4) Ran the converter on my self-extracting installer with the following:

.\ DesktopAppConverter.ps1-安装程序C:\ tmp \ TaskbarSystemMonitorInstaller.exe -InstallerArguments"/T:c:\ out/C"-目标C:\ Out2 -PackageName"TaskbarSystemMonitor"-发布者"CN = mikecann.co .uk"-版本0.0.0.1 -MakeAppx -Verbose -AppExecutable C:\ Out2 \ TaskbarSystemMonitor.exe -Sign

.\DesktopAppConverter.ps1 -Installer C:\tmp\TaskbarSystemMonitorInstaller.exe -InstallerArguments "/T:c:\out /C" -Destination C:\Out2 -PackageName "TaskbarSystemMonitor" -Publisher "CN=mikecann.co.uk" -Version -MakeAppx -Verbose -AppExecutable C:\Out2\TaskbarSystemMonitor.exe -Sign


5) I get a .appx file but when I try to run it I get:


6) This is my first winows store app so im not sure exactly what I need to do cert wise. So I decided to have a go at uploading it to the store, but I get the following errors:


7) I dont know what to do about the first error, the second and third error I tihnk I can fix, the fourth error im not sure about.






  1. 在文件资源管理器中,右键单击您已使用测试证书签名的appx,然后从上下文菜单中选择属性.
  2. 点击或点击数字签名标签.
  3. 单击或点击证书,然后选择详细信息.
  4. 单击或点击查看证书.
  5. 单击或点击安装证书.
  6. 在"商店位置"组中,选择"本地计算机".
  7. 单击或点击下一步确定以确认UAC对话框.
  8. 在证书导入向导"的下一个屏幕中,将选定的选项更改为将所有证书放置在以下存储中.
  9. 点击或点击浏览.在选择证书存储区"窗口中,向下滚动并选择受信任的人,然后单击或点击确定.
  10. 单击或点击下一步.出现一个新屏幕.点击或点击完成.
  11. 应出现一个确认对话框.如果是这样,请点击确定.如果其他对话框表明证书存在问题,则可能需要对证书进行一些故障排除.注意:要使Windows信任证书,证书必须位于证书(本地计算机)>受信任的根证书颁发机构>证书节点或证书(本地计算机)>受信任的人中>证书节点.只有这两个位置中的证书才能在本地计算机的上下文中验证证书信任.否则,将出现类似于以下字符串的错误消息:
  1. In File Explorer, right click an appx that you've signed with a test cert and choose Properties from the context menu.
  2. Click or tap the Digital Signatures tab.
  3. Click or tap on the certificate and choose Details.
  4. Click or tap View Certificate.
  5. Click or tap Install Certificate.
  6. In the Store Location group, select Local Machine.
  7. Click or tap Next and OK to confirm the UAC dialog.
  8. In the next screen of the Certificate Import Wizard, change the selected option to Place all certificates in the following store.
  9. Click or tap Browse. In the Select Certificate Store window, scroll down and select Trusted People and click or tap OK.
  10. Click or tap Next. A new screen appears. Click or tap Finish.
  11. A confirmation dialog should appear. If so, click OK. If a different dialog indicates that there is a problem with the certificate, you may need to do some certificate troubleshooting.Note: For Windows to trust the certificate, the certificate must be located in either the Certificates (Local Computer) > Trusted Root Certification Authorities > Certificates node or the Certificates (Local Computer) > Trusted People > Certificates node. Only certificates in these two locations can validate the certificate trust in the context of the local machine. Otherwise, an error message that resembles the following string appears:

发布之前,您需要从Windows Store获得有效的认证并退出您的应用.在Desktop App Converter中使用-Sign标志将自动生成测试证书.请参阅这里

You need to get a valid certification from Windows Store and resign your app before publishing. Using the -Sign flag in the Desktop App Converter will auto-generate a testing certificate. See here


关于发布Desktop Bridge Apps,也请参阅非常重要的部分,其中描述了此处

About publishing Desktop Bridge Apps, please also see the very important part which described here

这篇关于使用Desktop App Converter创建UWP后安装失败的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-23 19:03