

本文介绍了禁用UWP App的缩放比例的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


Windows 10自动将比例因子应用于UWP应用,以在多个设备上提供相似的有效像素大小.

Windows 10 automatically applies a scale factor to UWP apps, to give a similar effective pixel size across multiple devices.

我希望我的UWP UI在相同分辨率的任何屏幕上看起来都一样,而不管比例因子如何.这可能吗?


For instance, when running my app on the Hololens it applies a 150% scale factor. This means the UI looks squished when compare to a desktop screen of a similar resolution (1280x720).

建议(如何在UWP移动版上禁用自动缩放)表示要在 ApplicationViewScaling类上使用TrySetDisableLayoutScaling .但这是行不通的.该文档说它仅适用于Xbox.

A suggestion (How to disable auto-scaling on UWP mobile) says to use TrySetDisableLayoutScaling on the ApplicationViewScaling Class.But this doesn't work. The documentation says it only works for Xbox.


Another possibility is to apply a scale transform (How to scale a windows universal desktop app programatically). However, I would have to apply a different scale, depending on the device, to negate the scale factor windows automatically applies. But this is not ideal.


It seems my only option is to make different UIs for each device family, that take into account the different scale factors.


I am suprised there is no way to just turn is off!Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Disabling the layout scaling is currently only possible for the Xbox devices.

这已由 ApplicationViewScaling 类文档,其中指出:此方法在Xbox以外的设备上总是返回false".

This is confirmed by the ApplicationViewScaling class documentation which states, "This method will always return false on devices other than Xbox".

我创建了一个请求,允许Hololens这样做.您可以在这里投票: https: //

I have created a request to allow this for the Hololens. You can vote for it here:

这篇关于禁用UWP App的缩放比例的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-23 19:03