



我正在尝试使用Desktop App Converter将应用程序转换为Windows应用商店.

I am trying to convert my app for the windows store using Desktop App Converter.

如果我将-PackageName选项设置为仪表板中给出的Package/Identity/Name,则Desktop App Converter会因-PackageName的写入错误而停止.

If I set the -PackageName option to the Package/Identity/Name given in the dashboard, Desktop App Converter stops with a write error for -PackageName.


But if I put -PackageName to the display name that I want, when I submit the appx file to the windows store I get: Invalid package identity name: and Invalid package family name:


我的密码/身份/名称的格式为1234MyApp.MyApp.如果我忽略了"1234",则Desktop App Converter将完成其运行.但是,当然,当我尝试将appx文件提交到Windows存储时,我看到了无效的软件包标识名称和无效的软件包系列名称.

My Pakage/Identity/name takes the form 1234MyApp.MyApp.If I leave out the '1234' then Desktop App Converter completes its run. But of course when I try to submit the appx file to the windows store I the Invalid package identity name and Invalid package family name errors.


您应该使用自己的程序包名称作为Desktop App Converter中的Package Name,以便您可以设法生成appx程序包.

You're supposed to use your own package name as the Package Name in Desktop App Converter so that you could manage to generate the appx package.

然后,您需要打开Package Manifest.xml来修改Package Identity Name以使其与Dev Center中的值匹配,以便将其上载到Windows应用商店.

Then you will need to open the Package Manifest.xml to modify the Package Identity Name to match the value in Dev Center in order to upload it to the Windows Store.


By the way, you need to fill in and submit this form to acquire the permission to publish the Desktop converted app to the Store.


08-23 19:02