我使用从 Windows安装程序API的C#包装。我用的是 ProductInstallation
I am using the C# wrapper for the Windows Installer API from the WIX Toolset. I use the ProductInstallation
class to get information about the installed products such as the product code and product name.
- 产品名称 - 我的测试应用程序李>
- 产品编号 - {F46BA620-C027-4E68-9069-5D5D4E1FF30A}
- 产品版本 - 1.4.0
Internally this wrapper uses the MsiGetProductInfo function. Unfortunately this function does not return the product's upgrade code.
How can I retrieve the upgrade code for an installed application using C#?
I have discovered the upgrade codes are stored in the following registry location.
The registry key name is the upgrade code and the registry key value is the product code. I can easily extract these values however the codes are stored in a different format.
The hyphens are stripped out of the Guid
and then a series of string reversals are done. The first 8 characters are reversed, then the next 4, then the following 4 and then the rest of the string is reversed in sets of 2 characters. Normally when reversing a string we need to take care in making sure control and special characters are handled correctly (see Jon Skeet's aricle here) but as we are, in this case, dealing with a Guid
string we can be confident the string will be reversed correctly.
Below is the complete code I used to extract the upgrade code for a known product code from the registry.
internal static class RegistryHelper
private const string UpgradeCodeRegistryKey = @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UpgradeCodes";
private static readonly int[] GuidRegistryFormatPattern = new[] { 8, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 };
public static Guid? GetUpgradeCode(Guid productCode)
// Convert the product code to the format found in the registry
var productCodeSearchString = ConvertToRegistryFormat(productCode);
// Open the upgrade code registry key
var upgradeCodeRegistryRoot = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(UpgradeCodeRegistryKey);
if (upgradeCodeRegistryRoot == null)
return null;
// Iterate over each sub-key
foreach (var subKeyName in upgradeCodeRegistryRoot.GetSubKeyNames())
var subkey = upgradeCodeRegistryRoot.OpenSubKey(subKeyName);
if (subkey == null)
// Check for a value containing the product code
if (subkey.GetValueNames().Any(s => s.IndexOf(productCodeSearchString, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0))
// Extract the name of the subkey from the qualified name
var formattedUpgradeCode = subkey.Name.Split('\\').LastOrDefault();
// Convert it back to a Guid
return ConvertFromRegistryFormat(formattedUpgradeCode);
return null;
private static string ConvertToRegistryFormat(Guid productCode)
return Reverse(productCode, GuidRegistryFormatPattern);
private static Guid ConvertFromRegistryFormat(string upgradeCode)
if (upgradeCode == null || upgradeCode.Length != 32)
throw new FormatException("Product code was in an invalid format");
upgradeCode = Reverse(upgradeCode, GuidRegistryFormatPattern);
return Guid.Parse(upgradeCode);
private static string Reverse(object value, params int[] pattern)
// Strip the hyphens
var inputString = value.ToString().Replace("-", "");
var returnString = new StringBuilder();
var index = 0;
// Iterate over the reversal pattern
foreach (var length in pattern)
// Reverse the sub-string and append it
returnString.Append(inputString.Substring(index, length).Reverse().ToArray());
// Increment our posistion in the string
index += length;
return returnString.ToString();