



我有两个不同的 2 数据集,它们具有不同的文件,它们通过两个具有相同输入参数的存储过程填充.每个数据集都有不同的列,并且没有 180 左右的列,我担心的是我将如何使用这两个不同的数据集具有两个不同字段(两个不同表)的单个报告.对于一个数据集,我使用了报告向导,但无法找出第二个数据集.请建议相同..

I have two different-2 datasets with different fileds which are getting populated through two stored procedures with same input parameters.each datsets have different colums and no of columns around 180,my concern is how will i use these two different datsets in single report with two differents fields(two differnt tables).for one dataset i have used report wizard,but not able to figure out for the second dataset.Please suggest for the same..


您可以在一个报表的不同报表区域中使用两个不同的数据集.例如,如果您有两个数据集,假设 DS1 显示 EmployeeDetail,DS2 显示 SalesInfo.您可以在两个表中分别使用它们,一个显示员工详细信息,另一个显示销售信息.如果您打算合并这些数据并在一个表中使用它,这些是选项.

You can use two different datasets in different reports regions on one Report. For example, If you have two datasets, lets say DS1 showing EmployeeDetail and DS2 showing SalesInfo. You can use them separately in two tables one showing Employees Details and other showing Sales Info. If you plan to merge this data and use it in one table, These are option.

  1. 推荐选项:重新编写您的查询以创建包含您想要以表格方式显示的可能数据的单个数据集.

  1. Recommended option : Re-write your query to create single dataset containing possible data you want to show in tabular fashion.

可以工作,但会慢很多:在主报表的表中使用 DS1,其中每一行都包含 Epmloyee 详细信息,该行调用子报表,传递与 SalesInfo 中的列相关的 EmployeeDetail 键.创建显示 SaledInfo 数据的子报表,在主报表中调用此报表,将键值从 DS1 传递到此子报表.

Would work but would be lot slower : Use DS1 in a table in Main Report where each row contains Epmloyee Detail, Wihtin that Row call a Sub-Report passing EmployeeDetail's key which is related to a column in SalesInfo. Create sub-report showing SaledInfo data, call this report in main report passing key value from DS1 to this sub-report.


08-23 18:33