



我正在尝试python -mtimeit,所以我放了python -mtimeit "n = 0; while n < 10: pass"然后出现一个无效的语法错误.与分号和for循环相同.

I was trying out python -mtimeitso I put python -mtimeit "n = 0; while n < 10: pass"Then an invalid syntax error showed up. same with semicolon and for loop.


However, when I try semicolon and loop individually. Both worked fine.

python -c "for i in range(10): print(n)"
python -c "n = 1; n = 2; print(n)"


Why is this so and how can I test while loop in timeit? Thank you very much!


whilefor之前不能有分号,它们必须在一行上.如果您查看的是 Python语法:

while, for can't have semicolon before, they need to be on one line. If you looked at Python grammar:

compound_stmt ::=  if_stmt
                   | while_stmt
                   | for_stmt
                   | try_stmt
                   | with_stmt
                   | funcdef
                   | classdef
                   | decorated
suite         ::=  stmt_list NEWLINE | NEWLINE INDENT statement+ DEDENT
statement     ::=  stmt_list NEWLINE | compound_stmt
stmt_list     ::=  simple_stmt (";" simple_stmt)* [";"]

您将看到 compound_stmt 一部分的语句必须为一行独自的.只能用分号分隔的语句是 simple_stmt 组:

you will see that the statements that are part of compound_stmt need to be one one line alone. The only statements that can be separated by semicolon are simple_stmt group:

simple_stmt ::=  expression_stmt
                 | assert_stmt
                 | assignment_stmt
                 | augmented_assignment_stmt
                 | pass_stmt
                 | del_stmt
                 | print_stmt
                 | return_stmt
                 | yield_stmt
                 | raise_stmt
                 | break_stmt
                 | continue_stmt
                 | import_stmt
                 | global_stmt
                 | exec_stmt


08-23 18:24