:不完整的实现,只是xmlrpc的演示工作! ;)
I am gettings insane, I can't figure it out.
I have downloaded and tries to build XMLRPC for iOS. I triend with https://github.com/eczarny/xmlrpc and https://bitbucket.org/kdbdallas/xmlrpc-ios/wiki/HomeThe first one, the original one, doesn't have an iOS target. the second one should have, but even that one doesn't seem to work.
I build XMLRPC-iOS lib using XCode the following way:
- download, unzip, open in xcode
- Go to menu Product > Archive
- In organized I choose "Share" on the latest build
- I save it in my own project folder. Include it in the project.
When I build my own project I get:
How is that possible? The XMLRPC-iOS settings are set to:
- SDKROOT = iphoneos5.0
- ARCHS = $(ARCHS_STANDARD_32_BIT) = armv7
- VALID_ARCHS = armv6 armv7k armv7f armv7
- OTHER_CODE_SIGN_FLAGS = armv7k armv7f armv6 armv7
- GCC_VERSION = com.apple.compilers.llvmgcc42
Can someone explain for me how I can build and use the XMLRPC-iOS library in my own application?Thanks!
it worked for me; here is exactly what i did.
- Create new project (called RpcTest)
- Download the forked project from bitbucket, extracted the zip in my RpcTest directory, so my directory looks like this:
- Drag the XMLRPC-iOS.xcodeproj into my Xcode project (under Frameworks group, but this doesn't matter)
- Now, to the build settings. Add kdbdallas-xmlrpc-ios-f28a13cc16ae under User Header Search Paths (uncheck recursive) in your project's Build Settings; now build your project (cmd+B)
- go to Build Phases tab, expand Target Dependencies, add XMLRPC-IOS project, expand Link Binary With Libraries, add libXMLRPC_iOS.a.
Now you should be able to include any xmlrpc header and use the lib.
Hope that helps.
EDITDownload via Dropbox.be advised: incomplete implementation, just a demo that xmlrpc works! ;)