

我已经开始阅读 Magnus Lie Hetland 的从新手到专业人士的 Python 入门",今天让我印象深刻的是对象创建新成员变量的能力,即使这些成员变量从对象是创建"的.下面是一个例子:

I have started reading the "Beginning python from novice to professional" by Magnus Lie Hetland, and what struck me today is an ability of an objects to create new member variables, even though those member variables were not present in the class from which the object was "created".Here is an example:

class Test:

b = Test()

b.variable1 = 12
b.variable2 = "Jim"

print b.variable1
print b.variable2

直到现在,我认为对象只能更改父类中存在的成员值,而不能凭空创建新的?顺便说一句,我之前没有编程或 Python 方面的知识.

Until now I though that objects could only change the member values present in parent class, but not create new ones out of thin air?Btw I had no prior knowledge of programming or python.


Python 文档.根据它,此符号用于将几个命名项绑定在一起.这正是 Python 允许你做的.

A similar example is given in the Python Docs.According to it, this notation is used for binding together a couple of named items.This is just what Python allows you to do.


08-23 18:19