我正在尝试将Visual Basic .exe文件转换为 Windows Server 2008 上的服务,这就是我做了:
I´m trying to turn a Visual Basic .exe file into a service on Windows Server 2008, this is what I did:
I downloaded srvstart.exe and then on cmd I used this code line to create the service:
1. On 系统属性 - 环境变量 - 路径 :  我添加了我想要转换为服务的应用的路径。
1. On System Properties - Enviromental Variables - Path : I added the path of the app I want to turn into a service.
2. Then I used this command line on cmd:
sc create APP_NAME binpath =" D:\ FOLDER \ APP_NAME
.exe " displayname =" APP_NAME "
sc create APP_NAME binpath= "D:\FOLDER\APP_NAME.exe" displayname= "APP_NAME"
On" Service"我可以在列表中看到我的新服务和CMD上的命令
sc qc 我可以看到新服务的配置,所以我认为它是创建的,但是当我尝试启动它时,在cmd上使用 start
命令或在服务列表上右键单击,我得到错误1053 该服务没有及时响应启动或控制请求。
On "Service" I can see on the list my new service and on CMD with the commandsc qc I can see the configuration of the new service, so I think it created , but when I try to start it, on the cmd with the startcommand or on the service list with right click,I get the error 1053 The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.
有人知道另一种方式来运行申请即服务?或者如何在不重启Windows Server的情况下解决错误1053?
Does someone knows another way to run an application as a service ? or how to solve error 1053 without restart Windows Server?