本文介绍了了解 Azure Functions 高级计划计费的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我一直在阅读有关这方面的各种文档,但无法明确确认我的理解,我们正在评估 Azure Functions 高级计划并希望对成本有更清晰的了解.

I've been reading various documentation around this and was not able to clearly confirm my understanding, we are evaluating Azure Functions Premium Plan and want to have a clearer understanding on the costs.


  1. 在高级计划中,我们可以配置最小实例和突发大小.这是保留的高级计划实例池的最小和最大大小(比如说它是 SKU EP2).假设我将最小实例设置为 3,突发大小设置为 10.

  1. In a Premium Plan, we can configure the minimum instances, and the burst size. This is min and max size of a reserved pool of Premium Plan instances (say it's SKU EP2). Let's say I set minimum instances to 3, burst size to 10.

配置的最小值(在本例中为 3 个)意味着有 3 个 EP2 始终在运行,即使他们没有做任何事情,我也要为此付费.

The configured minimum (in this case 3) means there are 3 EP2's running at all times that I'm paying for even if they are not doing anything.

在我的 Function App 上,我指定我需要 2 个预热的函数实例.我还为这些预热和等待请求付费.

On my Function App, I specify that I want 2 pre-warmed function instances. I'm also paying for these to be pre-warmed and waiting for requests.


Requests start coming in, and now I'm also paying for the execution time (by cores and memory used) in the pre-warmed instances.


Is my understanding above correct? Would the total costs associated here be the following:

(3 EP2 固定成本 + 最多 10 EP2 最大爆发)+(2 个预热实例 + 额外的消费实例)+(请求执行)

(3 EP2 fixed cost + up to 10 EP2 max burst) +(2 pre-warmed instances + additional Consumption instances) +(request executions)


How are we charged for the pre-warmed instances?


您需要为 Minimum Instances 付费,无论它们是否运行:https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-functions/functions-premium-plan#plan-and-sku-settings, pre-warmed instancesMinimum Instances的范围内.超过Minimum Instances后,Premium plan会像消费套餐一样扩容收费,不再保留instance buffer.

You need to pay for the Minimum Instances, whether they run or not: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-functions/functions-premium-plan#plan-and-sku-settings, The pre-warmed instances is in the range of the Minimum Instances. After exceeding the Minimum Instances, the Premium plan will be expanded and charged like a consumption plan, and the instance buffer will no longer be retained.

以你的例子为例,Minimum Instances 3 的费用必须支付(请将此视为固定费用),超出部分按消费计划收取.计算成本的工具:https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/calculator/?service=functions#functionse9e50b69-a40b-49cf-acac-83786868417a

Taking your example as an example, the cost of the Minimum Instances 3 must be paid (please consider this as a fixed cost), and the excess is charged according to the consumption plan. A tool to calculate costs: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/calculator/?service=functions#functionse9e50b69-a40b-49cf-acac-83786868417a

以上是高级计划Minimum Instances的费用和Minimum Instances之外的费用.另外,对于Function,您还有其他费用需要注意,否则可能会带来意想不到的巨大成本消耗.

The above is the fee for the Minimum Instances of the premium plan and the fee beyond the Minimum Instances. In addition, for the Function, you have other charges that you need to pay attention to, otherwise it may bring unexpectedly large cost consumption.

第一个是存款账户.每个功能应用程序都要求您拥有关联的通用 Azure 存储帐户,该帐户单独计费.此帐户由 Functions 运行时在内部使用.函数创建时需要绑定一个存款账户.它的使用分为两部分.一部分是在部署时将你的函数传递给文件共享,这部分通常可以忽略不计;另一部分是函数运行期间使用存储资源的成本.

The first is a deposit account. Each feature application requires you to have an associated universal Azure storage account, which is billed separately. This account is used internally by the Functions runtime. Function needs to be bound to a deposit account when it is created. Its use is divided into two parts. One part is to pass your function to the file share during deployment, this part is often negligible; the other part is the cost of using storage resources during your function operation.

第二个是 Application Insights.Function 依靠 Application Insights 为您的功能应用程序提供高性能的监视体验.他不是必需的.相关费用:https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/details/monitor/

The second is Application Insights. Function relies on Application Insights to provide a high-performance monitoring experience for your functional applications. He is not required. Related fees: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/details/monitor/

三是不同区域之间的数据传输.您可以通过在同一区域创建 Azure 服务来避免这种情况.如果你不小心形成了从一个区域到另一个区域的数据传输情况,那么就会产生网络带宽费用:https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/details/bandwidth/

The third is the data transmission between different areas. You can avoid this by creating Azure services in the same region. If you accidentally formed a data transfer situation from one area to another, then there will be network bandwidth charges: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/details/bandwidth/

最终成本应该是:必须花费的Minimum Instances 3 + 超出Minimum Instances 的消费计划成本+ 存储账户的成本+ Azure监控成本+网络带宽成本(如果同地域,这个消耗为0)

The final cost should be: the Minimum Instances 3 that must be spent + the consumption plan cost beyond the Minimum Instances + the cost of the storage account + the Azure Monitor cost + the network bandwidth cost (if the same region, this consumption is 0)

这篇关于了解 Azure Functions 高级计划计费的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-23 17:43