



我是使用Python 3.7.1的计算机科学入门课程的学生.

I'm an intro computer science student working in Python 3.7.1.

我们正在与"Additorials"合作,您在其中获取一个数字,然后获取该数字加上该数字之前的每个数字的总和.即:对于数字10-- 10 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 = 55

We were working with "Additorials" where you take a number and take get the sum of the number plus every number before it.Ie: for the number 10-- 10+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9 = 55


I had to write a program that performed this operation as a function. However, I did it in a way that shouldn't work, but it does.

def bigAdd(n):
    for i in range(0,n):
    return n

例如,如果我输入数字 10 ,它将返回 55

for example, if I input the number 10, it returns 55



If the upper limit of this loop is n, and it is constantly being incremented by i, shouldn't it run forever because it is constantly raising its limit? Why does it return any answer, let alone the correct one?


您要向 n添加最初是10(或您使用的上限).因此,您的结果确实是10 (the initial value) + 0 + 1 + ... + 9 (from the range).

You are adding to n, which initially is 10 (or whichever upper bound you are using). Thus your result is indeed 10 (the initial value) + 0 + 1 + ... + 9 (from the range).

话虽如此,我仍然建议使用n的初始值来,而建议使用range(1, n+1)sum,因为这是很多更清晰.

Having said that, I'd still recomment not using the initial value of n and instead getting the sum of range(1, n+1), as that's much clearer.

>>> sum(range(1, n+1))


>>> n*(n+1)//2

关于第二个问题:不,第一次输入for循环时,range(0, n)仅被评估一次,而不是在每次迭代中均被评估.您可以认为代码大致与此等效:

About your second question: No, the range(0, n) is evaluated only once, when the for loop is first entered, not in each iteration. You can think of the code as being roughly equivalent to this:

r = range(0, n) # [0, 1, 2, 3, ..., n-2, n-1]
for i in r:

尤其是,Python的for ... in ...循环不是Java,C和其他语言中已知的典型" for (initialization; condition; action)循环,而是更类似于"for-each"循环,它遍历给定集合的每个元素,生成器或其他类型的可迭代对象.

In particular, Python's for ... in ... loop is not the "typical" for (initialization; condition; action) loop known from Java, C, and others, but more akin to a "for-each" loop, iterating over each element of a given collections, generator, or other kind of iterable.

我现在意识到,这实际上是您的 actual 问题...

Which, I now realise, is actually your actual question...


Yes, a range does not create a list but a special kind of iterable, that's why I said "roughly".


08-23 17:32