


I've heard about many application developers having a bit of trouble in regards to race conditions in database processing. A typical example goes something like this:

  • 用户1选择一个字段,例如numStock,即3

  • 用户2还选择了numStock,它仍然是3

  • 用户1减少了numStock(在应用程序中),并在数据库中将其设置为2。

  • 用户2也会减少numStock(在应用程序中),并将其在数据库中设置为2。

  • User 1 selects a field, say, numStock, which is 3
  • User 2 also selects numStock, which is still 3
  • User 1 decrements numStock (in the app), and sets it to 2 in the database.
  • User 2 also decrements numStock (in the app), and sets it to 2 in the database.


In this example, the numStock field should have become 1, but it was set to 2 instead due to the race between users.


So of course locks can be used, but I've thought of another way of handling this - passing all row details as WHERE criteria. Let me explain...


In the example above, the SQL codes might look like this:

/ / select


SELECT itemID, numStock FROM items WHERE itemID = 45


UPDATE items SET numStock = 2 WHERE itemID = 45


// select


SELECT itemID, numStock FROM items WHERE itemID = 45


UPDATE items SET numStock = 2 WHERE itemID = 45 AND numStock = 3

因此,查询检查数据是否从它选择了数据。 所以我的问题是:(1)这种方法(总是)有效吗? (2)与数据库锁定机制(例如MySQL事务)相比,这是否是更好的选择?

Thus, the query checks if the data has changed since it SELECT-ed the data. So my question is: (1) Would this [always] work? and (2) is this a better option compared to database locking mechanisms (eg, MySQL Transactions)?




This strategy works and known as 'optimistic locking'. Thats because you do your processing assuming it will succeed and only at the end actually check if it did succeed.


Of course you need a way to retry the transaction. And if the chances of failure are very high it might become inefficient. But in most cases it works just fine.


08-23 17:12