

本文介绍了将JRuby on Rails应用程序部署到Tomcat的最佳方法是什么?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在寻找将Ruby on Rails应用程序(在JRuby上运行)部署到Tomcat实例进行测试的方法。

I'm looking at ways to deploy a Ruby on Rails app (running on JRuby) to a Tomcat instance for testing.

tomcat实例在一个我可以SSH到的Solaris服务器。我已经研究过使用Capistrano,但似乎没有太多关于使用它来部署到Tomcat或什至在JRuby下运行的方法,由于Windows / JRuby环境,我一直在Capistrano中遇到错误我的PC正在运行(是的,这是公司的-不是我的选择,但我必须忍受它。)。

The tomcat instance is running on a Solaris server that I can SSH to. I've looked at using Capistrano, but there doesn't seem to be a lot out there about using it to deploy to Tomcat, or even about running it under JRuby, and I keep hitting bugs in Capistrano due to the Windows/JRuby environment my PC is running (yeah, it's corporate - not my choice, but I've got to live with it).


I'm using warble to build the .war file, and the app deploys and runs fine once I manually copy it up and deploy it. I'm wanting something easier and more automated to actually get it there.


Anyone done this before? Documentation on the web seems pretty thin.



I don't have much experience on this, so I don't know if I can give you the BEST way, but if Capistrano doesn't work, and you can't have a separate MRI install just to run it, you have just a few alternatives left:


Try running plain Rake and write your own deployment target:http://www.gra2.com/article.php/deploy-ruby-on-rails-applications-rake


Or use Ant or Maven.


Or if it just ONE server you have to deploy to, you could just hack together two Ruby scripts - one that listens on the server for shutdown/startup requests, and one local that you run to: Send shutdown, scp over the file, send startup.


By the way, have you submitted any integration bugs you find with Capistrano to the JRuby team? I'm sure they'd be happy to have any contribution.:)

这篇关于将JRuby on Rails应用程序部署到Tomcat的最佳方法是什么?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-23 16:36