I have searched multiple resources online, but so far have been unable to find a definitive answer to the question of whether Microsoft's GUID generation mechanism is secure enough to warrant it's use as a unique ID across an application.
为了澄清,通过足够安全,我的意思是问用于生成GUID的算法是否有任何已知的弱点或漏洞,可能会降低GUID的有效随机性 ie导致不可忽略的数量的冲突。如果不是,这是否意味着GUID是完全不可猜测的,如果是,是否有一些方法来种子GUID生成器函数以有效地增加生成的GUID的随机性。
To clarify, by 'secure enough', I mean to ask whether the algorithm used to generate the GUID has any known weaknesses or vulnerability that could reduce the effective randomness of the GUID i.e. result in a non-negligible number of collisions. If no, does this mean the GUID is completely unguessable, and if yes, is there some way to seed the GUID generator function to effectively increase the randomness of the generated GUID.
Based on the information specified in MSDN guide here (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.guid.aspx) is there any indication that the system used to generate the GUID can be relied upon to be sufficiently random.
否。 Guid的目标是独特,但加密安全意味着不可预测。
No. The goal of the Guid is to be unique, but cryptographically secure implies that it is unpredictable. These goals sometimes, but not always, align.
If you want cryptographically secure, then you should use something like RNGCryptoServiceProvider
- How Random is System.Guid.NewGuid()? (Take two)
- How securely unguessable are GUIDs?
上述链接中的关键点是Microsoft的Guid是UUID的实现, :
The key point in both the above links is that Microsoft's Guid is an implementation of UUID, and the UUID spec indicates that they should not be used as security tokens: