


HI.I want a function in java that automatically called.

例如 wen 我们使用 Time 类如 blew

for example wen we use Time class like blew

actionperformerd() 函数每 1 秒调用一次.

the actionperformerd() function call every 1second.

Timer time = new Time(10,this);
public void actionperformed()
        //i want move a pic every 1millisecond.

我的问题是 Timer 类只接受 int 值并且它是最小值值为 1 秒,我希望每 1 毫秒调用一次 actionperformed.

my problem is that Timer class only accept int value and it's minimumvalue is 1 second and i want call actionperformed every 1 millisecond.


Java 定时器 接受毫秒的参数.所以你可以这样做

Java Timer accepts milliseconds in parameters. So you can do

new Timer().schedule(new TimerTask() {
public void run()  {
  // do stuff
}, 1, 1);

但是要获得毫秒精度的实时功能,您可能需要切换到 C.

But to have real-time functionality with milliseconds precision you may need to switch to C.


08-23 16:23