




I'm trying to interpolate two 2-dimensional arrays.


The original array is shown in blue in the image below. The second one shown, in red, is the same array in blue but moved up and slightly to the right, and with a handful of points removed from the top right end.


I use the same process (see end of question) for interpolating extra points in between the existing ones and I get this result:


The second array (in red), now interpolated, is clearly wrong in its lower part.


Why is this happening and how can I make it so that both interpolations are correct?


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def interp(x, y):
    Returns interpolated x, y arrays.
    N = 1000
    t = np.linspace(0, len(x), N)
    xi = np.interp(t, np.arange(len(x)), x)
    yi = np.interp(t, np.arange(len(x)), y)
    intp = np.asarray([xi, yi])

    return intp

# Data
a = [[1.6050000000000004, 1.491999999999999, 1.4189999999999987, 1.3709999999999987, 1.3330000000000002, 1.299999999999999, 1.2650000000000006, 1.229000000000001, 1.186, 1.1319999999999997, 0.9959999999999996, 0.8200000000000003, 0.6580000000000004, 0.30200000000000005, 0.26400000000000023, 0.19399999999999995, 0.125, 0.06899999999999995, 0.03100000000000014, 0.006000000000000005, -0.0020000000000000018, -0.04499999999999993, -0.07400000000000007, -0.08300000000000007, -0.10300000000000004, -0.10799999999999998, -0.121, -0.122, -0.132, -0.13699999999999996, -0.139, -0.14300000000000002, -0.1449999999999999, -0.14700000000000002, -0.14700000000000002, -0.14700000000000002, -0.1439999999999999, -0.14100000000000001, -0.1379999999999999, -0.1379999999999999, -0.137, -0.13599999999999968, -0.13500000000000023, -0.13600000000000012, -0.13999999999999968, -0.14700000000000024, -0.1529999999999998, -0.1589999999999998, -0.1589999999999998, -0.15399999999999991, -0.1469999999999998, -0.14000000000000012, -0.133, -0.125, -0.11800000000000033, -0.1080000000000001, -0.09799999999999986, -0.0950000000000002, -0.08599999999999985, -0.07500000000000018, -0.06099999999999994, -0.040999999999999925, -0.007000000000000117, 0.019000000000000128, 0.05600000000000005, 0.10899999999999999, 0.18599999999999994, 0.28200000000000003, 0.3939999999999997, 0.54, 0.7159999999999997, 0.8460000000000001, 0.9720000000000002, 1.023, 1.101, 1.1420000000000001, 1.178, 1.2109999999999999, 1.243, 1.276, 1.306, 1.3379999999999999, 1.3649999999999998, 1.3309999999999997, 1.297, 1.265, 1.232, 1.1989999999999998, 1.1589999999999998, 1.123, 1.0060000000000002, 0.8420000000000001, 0.7129999999999996, 0.5959999999999996, 0.5219999999999998, 0.45500000000000007, 0.39600000000000035, 0.32099999999999973, 0.2520000000000002, 0.19700000000000006, 0.14700000000000024, 0.10000000000000009, 0.06300000000000017, 0.10400000000000009, 0.15700000000000003, 0.2200000000000002, 0.28600000000000003, 0.3620000000000001, 0.4299999999999997, 0.4979999999999998, 0.5699999999999998, 0.6589999999999998, 0.754, 0.8720000000000003, 1.028, 1.105, 1.1969999999999998, 1.2349999999999999, 1.2679999999999998, 1.3079999999999998, 1.335, 1.3689999999999998, 1.4049999999999998, 1.44, 1.475, 1.5100000000000002, 1.541, 1.573, 1.601, 1.6269999999999998, 1.6509999999999998, 1.6730000000000005, 1.694, 1.6750000000000003, 1.6910000000000003, 1.7069999999999999, 1.706],
[12.488, 11.541, 10.944, 10.473, 10.078, 9.647, 9.269, 8.87, 8.439, 8.026, 7.101, 6.145, 5.359, 3.366, 3.077, 2.737, 2.438, 2.197, 2.008, 1.856, 1.807, 1.438, 1.068, 0.92, 0.525, 0.407, 0.053, 0.032, -0.237, -0.448, -0.493, -0.715, -0.92, -1.015, -1.123, -1.31, -1.493, -1.672, -1.846, -1.862, -1.931, -2.007, -2.049, -2.07, -2.063, -2.018, -1.985, -1.963, -1.955, -1.94, -2.007, -2.163, -2.296, -2.425, -2.55, -2.675, -2.802, -2.844, -2.931, -3.02, -3.113, -3.205, -3.286, -3.319, -3.334, -3.331, -3.308, -3.263, -3.191, -3.087, -2.945, -2.79, -2.563, -2.496, -2.576, -2.684, -2.795, -2.905, -3.007, -3.113, -3.218, -3.316, -3.421, -3.328, -3.23, -3.125, -3.024, -2.928, -2.856, -2.858, -3.119, -3.33, -3.457, -3.546, -3.597, -3.641, -3.68, -3.727, -3.761, -3.787, -3.805, -3.819, -3.837, -3.911, -3.942, -3.946, -3.932, -3.908, -3.88, -3.852, -3.815, -3.767, -3.708, -3.615, -3.442, -3.308, -3.19, -3.23, -3.312, -3.416, -3.477, -3.59, -3.69, -3.793, -3.903, -3.995, -4.071, -4.152, -4.213, -4.268, -4.35, -4.4, -4.452, -4.424, -4.469, -4.494, -4.492]]
b = [[2.0069999999999997, 2.006, 1.9910000000000003, 1.994, 1.9750000000000003, 1.9730000000000005, 1.9509999999999998, 1.9269999999999998, 1.901, 1.873, 1.841, 1.8100000000000003, 0.5200000000000002, 0.457, 0.5860000000000001, 0.4040000000000001, 0.6620000000000001, 1.7750000000000001, 0.7299999999999998, 0.7979999999999998, 0.36300000000000016, 0.4000000000000001, 0.8699999999999999, 0.44700000000000023, 1.74, 0.49700000000000005, 0.9589999999999999, 0.5520000000000003, 0.6209999999999998, 1.054, 1.7049999999999998, 0.6960000000000004, 0.7550000000000001, 1.1720000000000004, 0.8219999999999998, 1.6689999999999998, 0.8959999999999997, 1.635, 1.0129999999999997, 1.328, 1.6649999999999998, 1.6079999999999999, 0.35600000000000004, 0.409, 1.1420000000000001, 1.6309999999999998, 0.3190000000000001, 1.638, 1.5679999999999998, 0.48599999999999993, 1.405, 0.29299999999999987, 0.5820000000000001, 1.597, 1.535, 1.606, 0.25900000000000006, 0.6939999999999997, 1.4969999999999999, 1.565, 1.3060000000000003, 0.23900000000000005, 1.576, 0.8400000000000001, 1.532, 0.2249999999999998, 1.5430000000000001, 1.0159999999999998, 0.21400000000000013, 1.4989999999999999, 1.511, 1.423, 1.4589999999999999, 0.2049999999999998, 0.20200000000000012, 1.478, 1.1460000000000001, 1.4420000000000002, 0.1919999999999999, 1.401, 1.2720000000000002, 0.18199999999999966, 1.323, 0.175, 0.16699999999999998, 0.15999999999999986, 0.16399999999999987, 0.1600000000000003, 0.16499999999999976, 0.15299999999999975, 0.1640000000000003, 0.1530000000000002, 0.14700000000000019, 0.14100000000000018, 0.14100000000000018, 0.14600000000000007, 0.16299999999999998, 0.1620000000000001, 0.1620000000000001, 0.15899999999999997, 0.15600000000000008, 0.15299999999999997, 0.15299999999999997, 0.15299999999999997, 0.15500000000000008, 0.15699999999999997, 0.16099999999999998, 0.16300000000000003, 0.16799999999999998, 0.178, 0.179, 0.192, 0.19699999999999995, 0.21699999999999992, 0.22599999999999992, 0.25500000000000006, 0.298, 0.306, 0.3310000000000001, 0.36899999999999994, 0.425, 0.49399999999999994, 0.5640000000000003, 0.6020000000000001, 0.9580000000000004, 1.1200000000000003, 1.2959999999999996, 1.4319999999999997],
[8.836, 8.838000000000001, 8.861, 8.878, 8.906, 8.93, 8.98, 9.062000000000001, 9.117, 9.178, 9.259, 9.335, 9.384, 9.388, 9.398, 9.419, 9.422, 9.427, 9.45, 9.478, 9.493, 9.511, 9.515, 9.525, 9.536999999999999, 9.543, 9.563, 9.568999999999999, 9.603, 9.622, 9.64, 9.65, 9.689, 9.715, 9.733, 9.74, 9.784, 9.853, 9.873000000000001, 9.888, 9.909, 9.914, 9.996, 9.999, 10.0, 10.002, 10.011, 10.014, 10.018, 10.022, 10.022, 10.044, 10.067, 10.1, 10.1, 10.112, 10.125, 10.139, 10.14, 10.205, 10.211, 10.217, 10.217, 10.243, 10.306000000000001, 10.31, 10.323, 10.385, 10.399000000000001, 10.402000000000001, 10.425, 10.472, 10.474, 10.486, 10.528, 10.535, 10.54, 10.646, 10.655000000000001, 10.754, 10.767, 10.780000000000001, 10.834, 10.905000000000001, 11.034, 11.167, 11.26, 11.267, 11.281, 11.312000000000001, 11.323, 11.323, 11.345, 11.367, 11.375, 11.39, 11.399000000000001, 11.468, 11.484, 11.658, 11.837, 12.02, 12.207, 12.315, 12.41, 12.615, 12.837, 12.882, 13.093, 13.362, 13.383000000000001, 13.737, 13.855, 14.25, 14.398, 14.768, 15.137, 15.186, 15.338000000000001, 15.527000000000001, 15.768, 16.067, 16.407, 16.696, 18.689, 19.475, 20.431, 21.356]]

f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2)
ax1.set_title('Not interpolated')
ax1.scatter(a[0], a[1], s=30, c='blue', lw=0.1)
ax1.scatter(b[0], b[1], s=30, c='red', lw=0.1)

# Get interpolated arrays.
a_i = interp(*a)
b_i = interp(*b)

ax2.scatter(a_i[0], a_i[1], s=30, c='blue', lw=0.1)
ax2.scatter(b_i[0], b_i[1], s=30, c='red', lw=0.1)



代码中的问题不是插值函数,而是数据本身。 b 中的点不按适当顺序排列,即,如果通过变量 t 参数化曲线,那么 b 中的点不是按 t 的顺序递增。

The problem in your code is not the interpolation function, but the data itself. The points in b are not in the "proper" order, i.e. if you parametrize the curve by a variable t, then the points in b are not in the order of increasing t.

如果您将b转换为 a ,并且去除了某些元素,则可以看到以下内容:

You can see this if you take b to be a translated by some vector and with some elements removed:

print np.array(a).shape, np.array(b).shape
b = np.array(a) + np.array([[2, 3]]).T
b = b[:, [x for x in range(len(b[0])) if x < 100 or (x > 100 and x % 2)]]
print np.array(a).shape, np.array(b).shape


08-23 16:19