

本文介绍了查找一个点是否在三角形内的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 我已经在这上面待了好几个小时,试着用不同的方法来看待每一个问题。也许我完全错了,但我觉得我的数学是正确的,但无论输入什么数字,我都会得到相同的输出。我的代码已关闭,我必须在午夜之前将其关闭。 它非常有趣:查找一个点是否在三角形代码中。 (适用于初学者) $ $ p $ import java.util.Scanner; public class PointsTriangle { //检查输入的点是否在三角形内 //给定的三角形点是(0,0)(0,100)( 200,0) public static void main(String [] args){ //从用户$ b $获取点(x,y)System.out.print(输入一个点的x-和y坐标:); 扫描仪输入=新扫描仪(System.in); double x = input.nextDouble(); double y = input.nextDouble(); //找到给定点的三角形面积 double ABC =((0 *(100-0)+ 0 *(0-0)+ 200 *(0-100)) /2.0); double PAB =((x *(0-100)+ 0 *(100-y)+0 *(y-0))/2.0); double PBC =((x *(100-0)+ 0 *(0-y)+ 200 *(y-100))/2.0); double PAC =((x *(0-100)+ 0 *(100-y)+ 200 *(y-0))/2.0); boolean isInTriangle = PAB + PBC + PAC == ABC; if(isInTriangle) System.out.println(点在三角形中); else System.out.println(该点不在三角形中); } //结束主} //结束PointsTriangle 解决方案如果您绘制图片,您可以看到该点必须满足简单的不等式(在特定线条右侧的下方/上方/)。无论是在边缘还是在外,我都会留给你: Y> 0(在X轴上方) X> 0(在Y轴的右边) X + 2 * Y 在这三个地方写一条if语句, ((y> 0)&(x> 0)&&(x + 2 * y))(b> < 200)) System.out.println(点在三角形中); else System.out.println(该点不在三角形中); I have been on this for hours, attempting different methods looking at just about every question. Perhaps I have it completely wrong, but I feel that I have my math of it correct, but no matter what numbers I input, I get the same output. My code is off somewhere and I have to turn it in by midnight.It is the all so fun: Find if a point is within a triangle code. (for beginners)import java.util.Scanner;public class PointsTriangle { // checks if point entered is within the triangle //given points of triangle are (0,0) (0,100) (200,0) public static void main (String [] args) { //obtain point (x,y) from user System.out.print("Enter a point's x- and y-coordinates: "); Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); double x = input.nextDouble(); double y = input.nextDouble(); //find area of triangle with given points double ABC = ((0*(100-0 )+0*(0 -0)+200*(0-100))/2.0); double PAB = ((x*(0 -100)+0*(100-y)+0 *(y- 0))/2.0); double PBC = ((x*(100-0 )+0*(0 -y)+200*(y-100))/2.0); double PAC = ((x*(0 -100)+0*(100-y)+200*(y- 0))/2.0); boolean isInTriangle = PAB + PBC + PAC == ABC; if (isInTriangle) System.out.println("The point is in the triangle"); else System.out.println("The point is not in the triangle"); }//end main}//end PointsTriangle 解决方案 If you draw a picture, you can see the point has to satisfy simple inequalities (below / above / to the right of certain lines). Whether "on the edge" is in or out I will leave up to you:Y > 0 (above the X axis)X > 0 (to the right of the Y axis)X + 2* Y < 200 (below the hypotenuse)Write an if statement around these three and you're done:if( (y > 0) && (x > 0) && (x + 2*y < 200) ) System.out.println("The point is in the triangle");else System.out.println("The point is not in the triangle"); 这篇关于查找一个点是否在三角形内的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-23 16:17