I've been trying to get my head around shallow binding and deep binding, wikipedia doesn't do a good job of explaining it properly. Say I have the following code, what would the output be if the language uses dynamic scoping with
a) 深度绑定
b) 浅绑定?
x: integer := 1
y: integer := 2
procedure add
x := x + y
procedure second(P:procedure)
x:integer := 2
procedure first
y:integer := 3
----main starts here---
Deep binding binds the environment at the time the procedure is passed as an argument
Shallow binding binds the environment at the time the procedure is actually called
因此,当 add 被传递到第二个时,对于具有深度绑定的动态范围环境是 x = 1, y = 3 并且 x 是全局 x 所以它将 4 写入全局 x,这是 write_integer 拾取的那个.
So for dynamic scoping with deep binding when add is passed into a secondthe environment is x = 1, y = 3 and the x is the global x so it writes 4 into the global x, which is the one picked up by the write_integer.
浅绑定只是向上遍历,直到找到与名称对应的最近变量,因此答案为 1.
Shallow binding just traverses up until it finds the nearest variable that corresponds to the name so the answer would be 1.
这篇关于动态范围 - 深绑定与浅绑定的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!