

为Java 的状态:


我要寻找不需要订购了一套基本实现(如提供了接口),并且不不允许空。 ,的和的都允许null元素。此外,TreeSet中有元素实现的要求。

I am looking for a basic Set implementation that does not require ordering (as ArrayList provides for the List interface) and that does not permit null. TreeSet, HashSet, and LinkedHashSet all allow null elements. Additionally, TreeSet has the requirement that elements implement Comparable.


It seems that no such basic Set exists currently. Does anyone know why? Or if one does exist where I can find it?

:我不希望允许空值,因为后面的code我的班会遍历集合中的所有元素,并调用特定的方法。 (我实际使用的HashSet < MyRandomObject >)。我宁愿快速失败不是失败后或意外招致了一些奇怪的行为,由于集中的空之中。

: I do not want to allow nulls, because later in the code my class will iterate over all elements in the collection and call a specific method. (I'm actually using HashSet<MyRandomObject>). I would rather fail fast than fail later or accidentally incur some bizarre behavior due to a null being in the set.


不是扩展特定的实现更好的,你可以随便写设置的代理执行的检查秒。这类似于 Col​​lections.checkedSet 。除了是适用于任何实现,也可以确保您已覆盖所有适用的方法。许多漏洞已经被延伸的话已经在以后的版本中添加的其他方法的具体集合发现。

Better than extending a particular implementation, you can easily write a proxy implementation of Set that checks for nulls. This analogous to Collections.checkedSet. Other than being applicable to any implementation, you can also be sure that you have overridden all applicable methods. Many flaws have been found by extending concrete collections which then have additional methods added in later versions.


08-23 15:36