




For Java(来自Java Concurrency in Practice)


  y = 10; 
x = 5;
a = b + 10;

实际上可以分配a = b + 10在分配y = 10之前



  y = 10; 
x = 5;
a = b + 10;

y = 10和x = 5保证在a = b + 10之前运行(我不要不知道y = 10是否保证在x = 5之前运行。


  y = 10; 
x = 5;
a = b + 10;



,§ 10.10说(我引用):

其他CLI标准同样可以从 gratis 获得ISO

但如果你担心多线程问题,你需要深入研究标准并理解有关原子性的规则。并非每项操作都必须是原子的。如果你是多线程并且调用引用除局部变量之外的任何东西的方法(例如,实例或类(静态)成员)而没有通过 lock 序列化访问,那么互斥量,信号量或者其他一些序列化技术,你会让自己对竞争条件开放。

My question is about order of execution guarantees in C# (and presumably .Net in general). I give Java examples I know something about to compare with.

For Java (from "Java Concurrency in Practice")

So the code

  y = 10;
  x = 5;
  a = b + 10;

may actually assign a=b+10 Before assigning y = 10

And in Java (from the same book)

so in Java

 y = 10;
 synchronized(lockObject) {
     x = 5;
 a = b + 10;

y = 10 and x = 5 are guaranteed to both run before a = b + 10 (I don't know whether y = 10 is guaranteed to run before x = 5).

What guarantees does C# code make for the order of execution for the C# statements

 y = 10;
 lock(lockObject) {
     x = 5;
 a = b + 10;

I am particularly interested in an answer that can provide a definitive reference or some other really meaningful justification as guarantees like this are hard to test because they are about what the compiler is allowed to do, not what it does every time and because when they fail you are going to have very hard to reproduce intermittent bugs when threads hit things in just the wrong order.


ISO 23270:2006 — Information technology—Programming languages—C#, §10.10 says (and I quote):

The other CLI standards are likewise available gratis from the ISO at

But if you are worried about multi-threading issues, you'll need to dig deeper into the standards and understand the rules about atomicity. Not every operation is warranted to be atomic. If you are multi-threaded and invoking methods that reference anything but local variables (e.g., instance or class (static) members) without serializing access via lock, a mutex, a semaphore, or some other serialization technique, you are leaving yourself open to race conditions.


08-23 15:23