

我读取了端口RB7,并检查了值.如果RB7上有输出,我希望芯片上的LED点亮(LED D1),但是即使没有任何连接到RB7,它也会一直点亮.我做错了什么?那就是PIC 18F4550,它是用mplab v8.63和C18编译器编写的.

I read the port RB7, and in the if a check the value. if there is output on RB7 I want that the led on my chip light up (led D1), but it burns all the time even when there is nothing connected to RB7. What i'm doing wrong? That's the PIC 18F4550 It's written in mplab v8.63 and the C18 compiler.

void main (void)
 TRISD = 0x00;            // PORTD  als uitgang
 TRISB = 0b00110000;      // RB4 en RB5 als ingang

 RCONbits.IPEN = 0;    // prioriteit uit
 INTCONbits.GIE = 1;   // enable interrupt
 INTCONbits.RBIE = 1;  // interrupt portB aan

 TRISBbits.TRISB7 = 0;
 TRISBbits.TRISB6 = 0;
 TRISBbits.TRISB3 = 0;

  _asm sleep _endasm
#pragma interrupt ISR
void ISR (void)
 if (INTCONbits.RBIF==1)
  if(LATBbits.LATB7 == 1)    // value on RB7 ?
   LATDbits.LATD1 ^= 1;    // D2 togglen
 INTCONbits.RBIF = 0;



  1. 无论您是否连接了任何输入,输入始终为高电平或低电平.您有适当的上拉或下拉电路吗?
  2. 您可能需要对输入进行去抖动,以防止单个输入触发多个状态更改.
  3. 看起来好像您在启动时都没有设置输出D1.我不认为它默认为任何特定状态.


08-23 15:20