问题是,在System Workbench中下载STM模型的固件时,下载失败,并显示ERROR_DOWNLOAS_TASK_START_ISSUE
The problem is that when downloading the firmware for a STM model in System Workbench, the download fails with ERROR_DOWNLOAS_TASK_START_ISSUE
The reason I post this question again is:
1)The answer given in that question only works for a particular STM model A mode general solution is needed
2)这个问题已经在OpenSTM32 COmmunit论坛上被许多具有相同问题的人发布.到目前为止,没有人有答案,显然这是一个阻止许多人使用该工具的错误
2) This question has been posted by many people having the same issue in the OpenSTM32 COmmunit forum. So far nobody has an answer, and apparently it is a bug preventing many people to use the tool
3)由于此错误,无法继续使用System Workbench进行任何开发
3) Due to this error, any further developing with System Workbench cannot proceed
According to the linked question' answer and also to this thread post the problem is in the places where the firmware is being searched. So if you go to the stm32targets.xml file (which is hidden) you can see that the firware is in other locations.
The problem is that you have to know the name of the firmware you need, since those locations are not listable. I wonder how to do this.
so far I know one file name and I tried it and downloaded succesfully but how can this work with other STM models
在新计算机上安装eclipse之后,今天也遇到了同样的问题.我的解决方案是重新安装eclipse并使用 http://www.ac6-tools.com/Eclipse-updates/org.openstm32.system-workbench.update-site-v2/作为存储库.
Had the same issue today after installing eclipse on a new computer.My solution was to reinstall eclipse and usehttp://www.ac6-tools.com/Eclipse-updates/org.openstm32.system-workbench.update-site-v2/as repository.
这篇关于尚未解决System Workbench STM32 Eclipse上的ERROR_DOWNLOAD_TASK_START_ISSUE的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!