


I've created a dice game where the dice is based on a percentile, 1-100.

public static void Roll()
    Random rand = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks);
    return rand.Next(1, 100);


But I don't feel like it's a real random based on current time.


for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
   Console.WriteLine("#" + i + " " + Roll());


They would all be the same values, because the DateTime.Now.Ticks didn't change, it seeded the same number.


I was thinking I could generate a new random seed if the seed was the same due to the current time, but it doesn't feel like an honest "re-roll"


What should I do to try and replicate a close to real/honest dice roll? Should I use the RNGCryptoServiceProvider class to generate rolls instead?


DateTime.Now.Ticks的分辨率仅为大约16ms ,因此,如果您创建的Random在16ms的时隙"中多次过载,则它们都是用相同的值播种,因此您将获得相同的序列.

DateTime.Now.Ticks only has a resolution of approximately 16ms, so if you create a Random with that overload multiple times within a 16ms "slot" they will all be seeded with the same value and therefore you will get the same sequence.


Initialize your Random outside your loop so that a single Random sequence is produced, rather than creating it each time within the loop which could result in Randoms being seeded with the same value and so produce the same sequence.


我先前的观点是,默认构造函数使用CPU ticks初始化了Random,这是不正确的,默认构造函数实际上使用了 Environment.TickCount ,即:

My previous point that the default constructor initialized Random with CPU ticks was incorrect, the default constructor actually uses Environment.TickCount which is:


Which still has a low resolution. If you make multiple instances of Random in quick succession, they can easily be created within the same time slot and therefore have the same seed value, and create the same sequence. Create a single instance of Random and use that.


在您的评论之前,如果您希望跨多个线程生成随机序列,请参阅下面的Jon Skeet文章,其中讨论了线程安全包装器:

Further to your comments, if you wish to generate a random sequence across multiple threads, please see the following Jon Skeet article which discusses a thread-safe wrapper:



08-23 15:07