I'd like to place an arbitrary number of rectangles into a fixed size parent such that they are:
- 随意放置
- 随机旋转到给定程度范围内
- 很好地分散在中心点周围(不是全部都聚集在一个角上)
- 由于空间不足,除非有必要,否则不要重叠
- 必要时尽量减少重叠
To help you visualize the problem, I would like to scatter images inside a window for the user to choose one.
Googling had led me do various algorithms for packing etc, but nothing really addresses my requirements.
It shouldn't be much more complicated than:
- 将新矩形随机旋转放置在随机位置.只需使用三个随机值(x,y,r)即可,除非您还需要随机大小(在这种情况下,您也需要w和h).这不应该使任何一个角落结块(通过随机是随机的).
- 对于每个已放置的矩形,检查是否有碰撞. 这里是一种方式.不想让事物延伸到屏幕之外);在边框周围放置四个虚拟矩形可能是一种便宜的方法.
- 如果发生任何碰撞,则有两种选择:将新矩形移动到新的随机位置,或者将新矩形和阻塞矩形彼此远离,直到不再接触为止.两者都可以-仅仅移动新页面会更快,更轻松,尽管如果页面真的很满,可能永远找不到合适的位置.几乎肯定会成功移动它们,但是花费更长的时间,并且可能导致连锁反应冲突,所有这些冲突都必须递归解决.
In any case you'll want to try and keep the number of rectangles small, because the number of comparisions can quickly get really big. Using a short-circuit (such as "if they're halfway across the screen then don't bother looking closely") may help but isn't guarenteed.
Okay, so requirement #5. Chances are that the push-both-rectangles-until-they-no-longer-collide-recursively method of adding new rectangles will end up being the simplest way to do this - just cut off the loop after a few thousand iterations and everything will have attempted to move as far away from everything else as possible, leaving minimum overlap. Or, leave the method running in a seperate thread so that the user can see them spreading out as more are added (also stopping it from looking like it's locking up while it's thinking), stopping once no rectangle has moved more than X units in one iteration.