


Does anyone know of an algorithm that fits all of the above criteria? I need to specify a seed number, and a range that I want the output numbers to fall under (which will also be the range that the input numbers are in). This function also needs to have a counterpart that reverses the operation.



I pass the seed 5, and the range 5-35, then I receive the number 27. I can then pass this into a function that reverses the operation, using the same range, that will give me the number 5 back.


I cannot store the original numbers, nor can I iterate through a list of the input numbers. This does not have to be encryption strength, and it has to be as fast as possible.


The only thing I can think of that sort of fits this description is an encryption algorithm. Even a point in the right direction would be awesome.



I am trying to find a way to represent a set of random (looking) numbers that is too large to hold in memory (possibly 3e12 numbers), and then test if certain ranges of numbers show up in that set.


for example. If I have a function that gives me the random set (4, 22, 7, 343, 67, 38, 2), I want to be able to say, give me the numbers from that set that are between 1 and 30, and get the set (4, 22, 7, 2) back.



As RB said, you need an encryption, not a RNG. With a given key, the encryption is reversible. The key could incorporate the seed and the range as well if you want different results from the same seed with a changed range.

范围大小是一个不同的问题.对于32位范围,请使用DES.对于64位,请使用AES.对于其他范围,请编写您自己的简单 Feistel密码或使用 Hasty Pudding cypher ,适用于所有尺寸.

Range sizes are a different problem. For a 32 bit range use DES. For 64 bit use AES. For other ranges either write your own simple Feistel cypher or use the Hasty Pudding cypher, which is defined for all sizes.

无论您使用哪种底层密码,您都可以始终使用Hasty Pudding方法在适当范围内查找数字:只需对输出进行加密,直到其位于所需范围内.一旦您拥有合适大小的东西,就可以添加下界以获取所需的数字.因此,对于5到35的范围,您将在[0..30]中生成一个数字并加5.

Whatever underlying cypher you use, you can always use the Hasty Pudding method of finding a number in the appropriate range: just keep encyphering the output until it is within the required range. Once you have something of the appropriate size you can add the lower bound back in to get your required number. So for your range of 5 to 35, you would generate a number in [0..30] and add 5.


ETA: Having thought about your problem a bit more, you can't use the seed as part of the key. If you do you won't be able to reconstruct the key to decrypt your random number. You can only use data in the key that you will know when you start reversing the process.


You will also need a way of recognising the seed when you come to it. As you decrypt you will get a series of numbers; you need a way to pick out which one was the original seed. Perhaps you could constrain the seed to be within the range specified (or its zero-based equivalent) and pick the first in the decryption series that falls within the correct range.


08-23 14:58