


I我试图使用Math.floor(Math.random()* string.length)和while循环从JavaScript中的字符串中选择一个随机字母。它需要不断向该字符串添加新的随机字母,直到达到指定的长度。

I'm trying to pick a random letter from a string in JavaScript using Math.floor(Math.random()* string.length) and a while loop. It needs to continually add new random letters to this string until a specified length.


var emptyString = "";
var alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
var getRandomLetter = alphabet[Math.floor(Math.random() * alphabet.length)];
var randomLetter = getRandomLetter;

while (emptyString.length < 6) {
emptyString += randomLetter;
emptyString ++;

输出相同的字母6次:ex。 pppppp

Problems:The output is the same letter 6 times: ex. pppppp

随机字母仅从字符串生成一次,然后重复直到指定的长度。我需要它为每个字母生成随机输出:ex。 pwezjm

The random letter is generated from the string only once and then repeated until the specified length. I need it to generate random output for each letter: ex. pwezjm

我还注意到,如果我在字符串上执行第二个不同的while循环,它将生成与第一个循环相同的输出:ex。 pppppp

I also noticed that if I do a second different while loop over the string it will generate the same output as the first loop: ex. pppppp


I thought it would at least generate a different random letter then the first loop but it does not. Why is that?



Because you should obtain the letter every time, but you do it just once.

var emptyString = "";
var alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";

while (emptyString.length < 6) {
  emptyString += alphabet[Math.floor(Math.random() * alphabet.length)];

另外,不确定你想用 emptyString ++ ,删除它,因为 ++ 是递增一个运算符,你不能增加一个字符串。我认为目的是让它作为while循环的计数器,但它是不必要的,因为计数器已经是字符串长度。

Also, not sure what you wanted to achieve with emptyString++, removing that, since ++ is the "increment by one" operator and you can't incremenent a string. I think the purpose was to have it as a counter for that while loop, but it's needless, since the counter is the string length already.


08-23 14:49