I'm trying to solve a problem in which the satisfaction of constraints cannot always be verified. I can find lots of papers on flexible constraint satisfaction, but that's not quite what I want. Here's an example:
P(Jim likes Cheese) = 0.8
P(Joe likes Cheese) = 0.5
P(Sam likes Cheese) = 0.2
P(Jim and Sam are friends) = 0.9
P(Jim and Joe are friends) = 0.5
P(Joe and Sam are friends) = 0.7
Charlie is talking about two cheese-liking friends. Who is he most likely talking about?
I'm currently viewing this as a constraint satisfaction problem:
[likes cheese] [likes cheese]
| |
| /-------[alldiff]-------\ |
|/ \|
? ? ?
| | |
(Sam) (Joe) (Jim)
Are there existing ways for dealing with this type of CSP?
Is a CSP even the right way to frame the problem?
For a propositional model (where each variable has a distinct name), you should have a look at probabilistic graphical models (in particular Markov networks). They are very closely related to SAT and CSP, since they are basically a generalization, but still fall into the same complexity class #P
如果您有兴趣简洁,一阶重这些模型的presentation,你应该考虑的的统计关系学习或一阶概率模型的(同义词) 。在这里,模型是pssed处于抬起的形式的前$ P $。例如。以下形式的可能概率的限制,使用一些变量对象域范围过:
If you are interested in concise, first order representation of these models, you should look into statistical relational learning or first order probabilistic models (synonyms). Here, the model is expressed in a "lifted" form. E.g. possibly probabilistic constraints of the following form, using variables ranging over some object domain:
on(?x,?y) => largerThan(?y,?x)