



我在Microsoft Visual C#2008年工作前preSS。

I'm working in Microsoft Visual C# 2008 Express.


I found this snippet of code:

    public static int RandomNumber(int min, int max)
        Random random = new Random();

        return random.Next(min, max);

问题是,我已经运行超过100倍,它总是给我相同的答案时,我的分= 0,最大值= 1,我得到的每一次0。 (我创建了一个测试功能来运行它 - 真的 - 我每次都得到0)。我有一个很难相信这是一个巧合......是有什么我可以做检验或测试呢? (我也重新运行与分= 0,最大值= 10和第一50ish次测试,结果总是5,第二次50ish,结果总是9。

the problem is that I've run it more than 100 times, and it's ALWAYS giving me the same answer when my min = 0 and max = 1. I get 0 every single time. (I created a test function to run it - really - I'm getting 0 each time). I'm having a hard time believing that's a coincidence... is there something else I can do to examine or test this? (I did re-run the test with min = 0 and max = 10 and the first 50ish times, the result was always "5", the 2nd 50ish times, the result was always "9".


?? I need something a little more consistently random...



与分= 0,最大值= 1的问题是分是包容和max是排他性的。因此,对于组合中的唯一可能的值是0。

The problem with min = 0 and max = 1 is that min is inclusive and max is exclusive. So the only possible value for that combination is 0.


08-23 14:23