这听起来像一个奇怪的问题,但我在哪里可以找到一个随机数生成器,在C或C ++,是不是很好的作品?
This may sound like an odd question, but where can I find a random number generator that works in C or C++ that is not very good?
上下文:我创造了一些树图绘制软件,并使用多位数的随机数测试它(所以每个数字变成了树中的节点)。随机数发生器我一直在使用 - 它是自带的GNU C ++编译器之一 - 给了我价值的一个很好的小号$ P $垫。这是很好的,但我想看看表格的外观,当数字聚集在一起,而且不太均匀。
Context: I'm creating some tree graph plotting software and testing it by using multi-digit random numbers (so each digit becomes a node in the tree). The random number generator I've been using - which is the one that comes with the GNU C++ compiler - gives me a nice spread of values. That's good, but I want to see how the table looks when the numbers clump together and are less homogenous.
Can anyone suggest a random number generator that has been proven to be not-so-random?
(Oh, any anyone who links to xkcd and/or suggests I just return 4 will get sarcasm in response).
I've always thought of randu as the godfather of bad random number generators.