本文介绍了您可以从运行生成事件prevent MSBuild.exe?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我通过脚本建设一批项目,和偶尔使用自定义生成事件造成困难的构建系统的很大。如果可能的话,我想调用MSBuild.exe在这样一个被以阻挡任何构建事件的执行。从长远来看,这不是构建自动化的一个问题 - 与构建活动的项目提交者是预先警告,这种snafuery是违反规则的。

I'm building a number of projects via a script, and the occasional use of custom build events causes a great deal of difficulty for the build system. If it is possible, I'd like to invoke MSBuild.exe in such a was as to block the execution of any build events. In the long run, this is not an issue for build automation - submitters of projects with build events are forewarned that such snafuery is against the rules.


In short, is there a way to call MSBuild that will prevent the execution of any custom build steps, if present?



I'd considered doing an in-place (automated) edit of the project files, but would prefer the command-line equivalent of setting "Excluded From Build" (see the Build Events options) to Yes for each of the three events.


pre / PostBuildEvents是属性,所以要覆盖它们刚刚从命令行设置他们空字符串。

Pre/PostBuildEvents are properties, so to override them just set them from command line to empty string.

msbuild foo.sln /p:PreBuildEvent= /p:PostBuildEvent=

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08-23 14:16