

我有一个带有win32 api且没有glut等的OpenGL应用程序...我遇到了全屏屏幕撕裂的问题.基本上,我已经将WS_POPUP设置为窗口样式,并将显示器的分辨率设置为窗口大小.我在AMD radeon HD 7770上运行时,我看到了可怕的泪痕!当我放置WS_POPUPWINDOW样式而不是WS_POPUP时,撕裂消失了,但是我的场景周围没有多余的边框.我注意到的另一件事是事实,当分辨率不是本机分辨率时,撕裂消失了.因此,当我将my_screen_resolution + 1作为大小参数传递时,撕裂就消失了.

I've got an OpenGL application with win32 api without glut etc...and I run into a problem with screen tearing in fullscreen.Basicly I have set WS_POPUP as a window style and resolution of my monitor as window size.I'm running on AMD radeon HD 7770 and I see terrible tearing!When I put WS_POPUPWINDOW style instead of WS_POPUP, the tearing is gone, however I have unwanted border around my scene.Another thing I noticed is fact, that the tearing disappears when the resolution is NOT native.So when I pass my_screen_resolution + 1 as size parameter, the tearing is gone.

RESx = 1920;
RESy = 1080;
hwnd = CreateWindowEx(NULL, NAME, NAME, WS_POPUP, 0, 0, RESx, RESy, NULL, NULL, hInstance, NULL);
SetWindowPos(hwnd, 0, -1, -1, RESx + 1, RESy + 1, 0); // With this function call, the tearing disappears!


What can I do to get rid of the tearing without having to run on not native resolution?





Yes it is V-Sync.


When you make a fullscreen window, it will bypass the DWM compositor.


If the window is not covering the full screen its contents are going through the DWM compositor. The DWM compositor itself makes itself a copy of the window's contents whenever something indicates, that it is done drawing (return from WM_PAINT handler, EndPaint or SwapBuffers called). The composition itself happens V-synced.


Then you're doing something wrong in your input processing. Most likely your event loop only processes one input event at a time then does a redraw. If that's the case and your scene complexity goes up, then you're getting lag, that's proportional to your scene's drawing complexity. You don't want this to happen.


What you should do is accumulate all the input events that piled up between redraws and coalesce them into a single new drawing state. Ideally input events are collected until only just before the scene is set up for drawing to reflect the most recent state. If you want to get fancy you my add a Kalman filter to predict the input state at the moment the frame gets shown to the user and use that for drawing the scene.


08-23 13:29