



我正在尝试构建一个面板应用程序,就像avant窗口导航器或ubuntu unity.

I am trying to build a panel application, alike avant window navigator or ubuntu unity.


My question is once I build the panel with the predifined applications, how I can add items to the panel when applications are open or launch?


Here is my source code in tcl:

package require Tk

set items {xterm gvim firefox}
wm withdraw .
toplevel .panel
wm attributes .panel -topmost 1 ; # on top
bind .panel <Escape> {exit}
wm geometry .panel +0+0
wm overrideredirect .panel yes ; # remove window decorations

set counter 0
foreach item $items {
    incr counter
    set separator " "
    label .panel.$counter -text "$item$separator" -bg black -fg white \
    -font {-family "Fixedsys Excelsior 3.01" -size 12}
    grid .panel.$counter -column $counter -row 0


Is there any terminal, tcl or python command that can achieve this?


Appreciate any insights. Thank you in advance.



If the send command is turned on (which depends on all sorts of factors related to the security of your display) you can just tell it to listen on a "well-known name" and then have another little app use send to dispatch a script to evaluate.


In the panel, listen on a "good" name:

package require Tk
tk appname MyExcellentPanel
proc registerItem args {
   # How to do the registration of things here


#!/usr/bin/env wish
package require Tk
wm withdraw .                               ;  # IMPORTANT! Don't show a GUI here
send MyExcellentPanel registerItem $argv    ;  # The magic command
exit                                        ;  # IMPORTANT! Exit now


Now you can use that little script from a shell script or wherever to send an instruction to the panel to register something. It's as easy as that.

如果没有send命令,请尝试使用 comm 程序包Tcllib,其中comm::comm sendsend近似相等.但是,没有与tk appname完全相同的东西,因为没有可移植的方法来注册端口映射(通信使用本地TCP通道),因此您需要找到一种方式来传达该信息(文件位于知名位置) ?). las,我对它不是很有经验,所以我不能真正地提供详细的建议.

If the send command isn't present, try the comm package in Tcllib, with comm::comm send as the approximate equivalent of send. However, there's nothing exactly the same as tk appname as there's no portable way to do a registry of port mappings (comm uses local TCP channels) so you need to find a way to communicate that information (a file in a well-known place?). Alas, I'm not very experienced with it so I can't really advise in detail.


08-23 13:28