



我用了ANDROID NDK.所以我想格式化一些东西.只用sprintf,但是我不能用wchar_t.对我有帮助吗?

l used ANDROID NDK 。so l want to format something。just use sprintf,but l can not use it withwchar_t. is there some helps for me?


在Android OS NDK 5.0之前的版本("Lollipop")中,sprintf()不支持%ls"(wchar_t指针)格式说明符.因此,以下语句可以编译,但在NDK(5.0之前的版本)下不能正确执行:

In Android OS NDK versions before 5.0 ("Lollipop"), the sprintf() does not support the "%ls" (wchar_t pointer) format specifier. Thus, the following statement compiles but does not execute correctly under NDK (pre-5.0):

char buffer [1000];
wchar_t *wp = L"wide-char text";

sprintf (buffer, "My string is: %ls", wp);

解决方法是使用任何一种开源的Wide-to-utf8实现(例如, UTF8-CPP项目),将其指针传递给sprintf:

The workaround is to convert the wchar_t string to UTF-8 (which is a char *) using any one of the Open Source wide-to-utf8 implementations (e.g. the UTF8-CPP project), passing its pointer to sprintf:

// WcharToUtf8: A cross-platform function I use for converting wchar_t string
//              to UTF-8, based on the UTF8-CPP Open Source project
bool WcharToUtf8 (std::string &dest, const wchar_t *src, size_t srcSize)
    bool ret = true;

    dest.clear ();

    size_t wideSize = sizeof (wchar_t);

    if (wideSize == 2)
        utf8::utf16to8 (src, src + srcSize, back_inserter (dest));
    else if (wideSize == 4)
        utf8::utf32to8 (src, src + srcSize, back_inserter (dest));
        // sizeof (wchar_t) is not 2 or 4 (does it equal one?)!  We didn't
        // expect this and need to write code to handle the case.
        ret = false;

    return ret;
char buffer [1000];
wchar_t wp = L"wide-char text";
std::string utf8;

WcharToUtf8 (utf8, wp, wcslen (wp));
sprintf (buffer, "My string is: %s", utf8.c_str ());

从Android 5.0(棒棒糖")开始,sprintf()支持%ls"格式说明符,因此上面的原始sprintf()代码可以正常工作.

Starting with Android 5.0 ("Lollipop"), sprintf() supports the "%ls" format specifier, so the original sprintf() code above works correctly.

如果您的Android NDK代码需要在所有版本的Android上运行,则应使用以下宏包装传递给sprintf的所有wchar_t指针:

If your Android NDK code needs to run on all version of Android, you should wrap all your wchar_t pointers passed to sprintf with a macro like the following:

#define CONVERTFORANDROID(e) (GetSupportsSprintfWideChar () ? (void *) e : (void *) WcharToUtf8(e).c_str ())

char buffer [1000];
wchar_t *wp = L"wide-char text";

sprintf (buffer, "My string is: %ls", CONVERTFORANDROID(wp));


The GetSupportsSprintfWideChar() function should be a local function that returns true if the running Android OS is 5.0 or above, while returning false if the OS is pre-5.0.


08-23 13:04