

我让Kubernetes在两个不同的环境中都能很好地工作,即在我的本地环境(运行minikube的MacBook)和Google的Container Engine(GCE,Google Cloud上的Kubernetes)上都可以.我使用MacBook/本地环境开发和测试我的YAML文件,然后在完成后在GCE上尝试使用它们.

I have Kubernetes working well in two different environments, namely in my local environment (MacBook running minikube) and as well as on Google's Container Engine (GCE, Kubernetes on Google Cloud). I use the MacBook/local environment to develop and test my YAML files and then, upon completion, try them on GCE.


Currently I need to work with each environment individually: I need to edit the YAML files in my local environment and, when ready, (git) clone them to a GCE environment and then use/deploy them. This is a somewhat cumbersome process.

理想情况下,我想使用Macbook中的kubectl在本地minikube或GCE Kubernetes环境之间轻松切换,并轻松确定YAML文件的使用位置.有没有简单的方法可以切换上下文来做到这一点?

Ideally, I would like to use kubectl from my Macbook to easily switch between the local minikube or GCE Kubernetes environments and to easily determine where the YAML files are used. Is there a simple way to switch contexts to do this?



You can switch from local (minikube) to gcloud and back with:

kubectl config use-context CONTEXT_NAME


kubectl config get-contexts


You can create different enviroments for local and gcloud and put it in separate yaml files.


08-23 12:53