

我有一组大约5000个地理(WGS84)坐标。它们全都在40 km的正方形内。

I have a set of about 5000 geographical (WGS84) coordinates. All of them are inside 40km square.

是否有任何算法/ R函数可以在正方形内而不在给定集合内查找点,而该点距集合内的任何点都最远?

Is there any algorithm / R function to find point, inside square and not in the given set, farthest from any point from set?


I mean how to find point in the square where the distance to the nearest point from set is longest?


Now I do it by generating grid of coordinates equally spaced and finding distance from each grid point to the nearest set point. Is there any less numerical / not brute force method?


I made mistake in previous version of the question. Maybe this will help:


Set of points are coordinates of the 5000 shops in the city. I want to find place in the city where distance to the nearest shop is the longest.


下面是一个使用多个功能的示例( distanceFromPoints() maxValue()哪个(),以及 raster 包中的 xyFromCell())来执行关键计算:

Here's an example that uses several functions (distanceFromPoints(), maxValue(), Which(), and xyFromCell()) from the raster package to perform the key calculations:

# Load required libraries

# Create a SpatialPoints object with 10 points randomly sampled from
# the area lying between longitudes 0 and 1 and latitudes 0 and 1
bbox <- matrix(c(0,0,1,1), ncol=2, dimnames = list(NULL, c("min", "max")))
PRJ4 <- CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84")
S <- Spatial(bbox = bbox, proj4string = PRJ4)
SP <- spsample(S, 10, type="random")

# Create a raster object covering the same area
R <- raster(extent(bbox), nrow=100, ncol=100, crs=PRJ4)

# Find the coordinates of the cell that is farthest from all of the points
D <- distanceFromPoints(object = R, xy = SP)
IDmaxD <- Which(D == maxValue(D), cells=TRUE)
(XY <- xyFromCell(D, IDmaxD))
#          x     y
# [1,] 0.005 0.795

# Plot the results
plot(D, main = "Distance map, with most distant cell in red")
points(XY, col="red", pch=16, cex=2)


08-23 12:47