






地图包含在通过javascript显示的标签中(并且通过显示:无)。 tab容器是通过ajax加载的,加载时会调用loadMap函数。我试图通过将它包含在setTimeout函数中来推迟loadMap函数,该函数将地图的创建时间延迟1秒,但它仍然保持不变(需要调整窗口的大小以修复它)。

I have used Google Maps on many websites in the past, but I have been posed with an issue I haven't experienced before. The maps window is showing, but it's only showing maps segments from the top left, and anything after that (even when i'm navigating around), nothing loads to the right. Its as if the window that is navigated around has an internal offset that is pushing it off the side of the viewport. Does anyone know what could be causing it?


I have just discovered that when the window is resized, the map refreshes, and the layout is fixed.

The map is contained within a tab that is shown via javascript (and hidden via display:none). The tab container is loaded via ajax, and when it loads, the loadMap function is called. I tried postponing the loadMap function by enclosing it within a setTimeout function that delays the creation of the map by 1 second, but it still does the same (requiring the window to be resized to fix it)


Righto, I am not sure why it's not working, but I have changed my code to only execute the map creation function when the tab is first opened. That makes it work correctly


08-23 12:46