

我想为我的多维结果实现平行坐标.有没有人有一个很好的链接到它在 matlab 或 R 中的实现?此外,对于生成平行坐标的最佳工具有什么建议吗?

I want to implement parallel coordinates for my muldimensional result. Does anyone have a good link to its implementation in matlab or R? Furthermore, are there any suggestions regarding the best tool to use for producing the parallel coordinates?


R 解决方案

lattice 包带有 R 并包含 parallel 功能:

lattice package comes with R and includes parallel function:

 parallel(~iris[1:4] | Species, iris)

ggplot2 也是您的朋友:>

D <- data.frame(Gain = rnorm(20),
                Trader = factor(LETTERS[1:4]),
                Day = factor(rep(1:5, each = 4)))
ggplot(D) +
  geom_line(aes(x = Trader, y = Gain, group = Day, color = Day))

lattice 和 ggplot 需要不同形状"的输入数据.对于点阵来说,它是一种矩阵形式,每一列都是一个表示在一个平行坐标上的变量.对于 ggplot,它是一列(增益)和一个单独的变量指标(上面的交易者)./这就是我使用两个不同示例的原因,而不是在这里/.

lattice and ggplot require input data in different "shapes". For lattice it's a matrix form, each column is a variable represented on one parallel coordinate. For ggplot it's one column (Gains) and a separate indicator for the variable (Trader above). /this is the reason I used two different examples, not to mess with data reshaping here/.

如果你需要一些快速的东西,那么格子可能适合你.Ggplot 需要一些时间投入.

If you need something quick, then lattice is probably for you. Ggplot requires some time investment.


08-23 12:41