这篇文章的目的是在一个地方收集所有有用的信息和材料,以便使用SwingX-WS库在Swing应用程序中实现滑动映射,现在网站已不复存在 - 尽管SwingX开发仍处于活跃状态。
This post's purpose is to gather in one place all useful info and material needed in order to implement slippy maps in a Swing application using the SwingX-WS library, now that the SwingLabs website is no more -- in spite of the fact that, however, SwingX development is still active.
So, first things first, the as-of-today up-to-date jars, built from the latest sources.
- swingx-ws rev. 317 binaries
- swingx-ws rev. 317 sources
- swingx-ws javadoc
SwingX 诉1.6.5-1 (所需的运行时依赖性,需要Java6或更高版本):
SwingX v. 1.6.5-1 (required runtime dependency, requires Java6 or newer):
- swingx binaries
- swingx sources
- swingx javadoc
- swingx beaninfo (for IDEs' component palettes)
关于SwingX的几句话:是一个令人惊叹的项目,旨在通过额外的小部件扩展挥杆功能(一个非常精心制作的webstartable演示,包含代码示例和所有内容),外观漂亮,功能强大,快速且没有任何时髦的依赖关系。恕我直言的一大亮点就是与现代的Nimbus L& F完美融合(不像,按时间顺序列出:
As for documentation, the sources that showcase swingx-ws use best are a series of articles written by Josh Marinacci, listed here in chronological order:
- Getting started with the Aerith Mapping Component
- NASA Maps in your Swing App
- A Mapping Christmas Present
- Tricked out maps and a new tile provider.
- Building Maps into Your Swing Application with the JXMapViewer
- Mapping Mashups with the JXMapViewer
In the [hopefully unlikely] event of needing to report a bug, the project's issue-tracking page can be found on JIRA.
这篇关于Java Swing GUI的Slippy映射:SwingX-WS的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!