

我正在研究Java图形类,我只是想知道-什么时候需要调用方法repaint()?我尝试将其注释掉,但它似乎并没有影响我的输出GUI.不过,我已经看到它在我阅读的Java GUI代码中使用了很多内容.有人介意解释何时使用和何时不使用它吗?

I am playing around with the Java graphics class a little bit and I was just wondering--when is it necessary to call the method repaint()? I tried commenting it out and it didn't seem to affect my output GUI. I've seen it used a lot in Java GUI code that I've read, though. Would anyone mind explaining when to use it and when not to use it?



It's never really necessary in most swing applications, because they handle it automatically (for common operations such as changing text values on buttons and adding data to a list box).


Generally, it's only if you've made some sort of change that swing won't automatically pick up - for example, you're not using a layout manager and are resizing components manually (because normally the layout manager repaints its components when necessary).


08-23 12:01