




我正在努力使用MFMailComposeViewController处理从我的应用发送电子邮件的想法但我需要它符合设置为英语以外的语言的设备的语言环境。是否可以将MFMailComposeViewController设置为其他语言?即使我将设备的语言设置为日语,MFMailComposeViewController的To :, From :, Subject:,部分仍然是英文。 如何更改MFMailComposeViewController的语言?

I am toying around with the idea of using MFMailComposeViewController to handle sending email from my app but I need it to conform to the language environments of devices set to languages other than english. Is it possible to set MFMailComposeViewController to other languages? Even if I set my device's language to, say, japanese, the MFMailComposeViewController's To:, From:, Subject:, portions remain in english. How does one change the language of MFMailComposeViewController?


MFMailComposeViewController 将以应用程序翻译的语言显示,而不是用户选择的语言;这使得应用程序内的文本保持一致。为您所针对的语言添加语言项目,作曲家视图将采用该语言。

MFMailComposeViewController will display in the language the application is translated into rather than the language the user has selected; this keeps the text within the application consistent. Add a language project for the language you are targeting and the composer view will adopt that language.

键盘上的完成按钮,删除按钮,显示一个 UITableViewCell 被刷新,其他内置视图的行为类似。

The Done button on the keyboard, the Delete button that shows when a UITableViewCell is swiped and other built-in views behave similarly.


08-23 11:17