




            "destination": "Hawaii",
            "Country": "U.S.A",
            "description": "...etc, etc",
            "images": {
                "image": [
    ***about 5 more destinations continuing on***


function searchBar() {

   var input = document.getElementById('searchbox').value;
   var name = ["Hawaii", "London", "Bangkok", "Sydney", "Vegas", "Miami"];
   var ul = document.getElementById("cities");  //ul in markup where li of destinations is displayed

   //I know i need to do an if statement in a for loop, just not sure how.
   for (let i = 0; i < name.length; i++){

       if(input == name){
        li[i].style.display = "";
       } else{
        li[i].style.display = "none";



I want to have it so the search bar in my HTML will display that destination when the NAME OR COUNTRY is typed in. Not sure how to approach this. I was thinking making names into an array then comparing that with the 'searchbox' value??


The JSON objects have been appended to h2 elements in a different function, which was then appended into a li element.Sorry, I left out a lot of code, please let me know if you need more info.


要侦听 input 事件,您需要向其添加侦听器,然后才能侦听 keyup .知道有人键入了内容后,您便要遍历所拥有的数据,并检查其是否与对象的目的地 Country 值中的任何一个相匹配.

In order to listen to input events you need to add a listener to it, then you can listen for keyup for example. Once you know someone typed something, then you want to go through the data that you have and check if it matches any of the object's destination or Country values.


If that's the case, then just append a list item to the current unordered list, something likke:

let data = [{
  destination: "Hawaii",
  Country: "U.S.A",
  description: "...etc, etc",
  images: {
    image: ["hawaii1.jpg", "hawaii2.jpg", "hawaii3.jpg", "hawaii4.jpg"],
}, ];

var input = document.getElementById("searchbox");
// var name = ["Hawaii", "London", "Bangkok", "Sydney", "Vegas", "Miami"];
var ul = document.getElementById("cities"); //ul in markup where li of destinations is displayed

input.addEventListener("keyup", (e) => {
  let typed = e.target.value.toUpperCase();
  for (let o of data) {
    if (
      typed === o.destination.toUpperCase() ||
      typed === o.Country.toUpperCase()
    ) {
      let li = document.createElement("li");
      li.innerText = JSON.stringify(o);
<p>Type <code>hawaii</code></p>
<input type="text" id="searchbox" />
<ul id="cities"></ul>

上面的解决方案有一些问题,例如,如果清除输入,则不会清除 ul ;如果再次输入相同的国家/地区,则它将继续添加新对象.这些是相对容易的修复程序,我会留给您,但总的来说,您希望遵循这些原则.

The solution above has a few issues, for example, it doesn't clear the ul if the input is cleared or it keeps appending new objects if you type the same country/destination again. Those are relatively easy fixes which I'll leave for you, but overall you'd want something along those lines.


08-23 11:12