


I'm making a simple game in Java using swing and am having problems with my GUI freezing up sporadically (due to threading issues most probably) after a button press that is supposed to trigger a switch in JPanels.

我发布了一个相关主题关于我正在使用的实际代码的更多细节(虽然我确实更新了倒计时并使其工作正常)。从该线程的答案,似乎使用 SwingUtilities.invokeLater() invokeAndWait()可能是我需要的解决问题,但我不确定我的代码在哪里是必要的,或者确切地知道如何实现它。

I posted a related thread here, which has more details about the actual code I'm currently using (although I did update the countdown and get that working fine). From answers to that thread, it seems like usingSwingUtilities.invokeLater() or invokeAndWait() might be what I need to solve the problem, but I'm not sure where in my code it is necessary or exactly how to implement it.


I don't know that much about threading and could use any help (preferably somewhat detailed and with some sample code) that I can get. Let me know if any further details would be useful.



一般来说,Eve​​nt Dispatch Thread是一个单一的线程,通过事件队列,一次处理一个。

Generally speaking, the Event Dispatch Thread is a single thread, chugging through the event queue, processing one at a time.



puts a Runnable on this queue. So it will be processed by the EDT when the EDT finishes everything on the queue before it (This is why sleeping on the queue blocks other events like repainting). It's relatively unusual to call invokeLater(..) from the EDT itself, though there are situations where it is useful (usually as a hack). I don't think I have had a legitimate use for SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(..) in the last 6 years. Maybe once.

javax.swing.Timer 可配置为触发一次或定期触发。当它触发时,它会在EDT队列上放置一个事件。如果您需要完成计算密集型处理,请考虑使用 javax.swing.SwingWorker 在另一个线程上进行计算,并在线程中返回结果 - 安全的方式(这也相对罕见)。

javax.swing.Timer can be configured to fire once or periodically. When it fires, it puts an event on the EDT queue. If you have computationally-intensive processing that need to be done, consider using javax.swing.SwingWorker to do the computation on another thread, and give you back the result in a thread-safe manner (this is also comparatively rare).


08-23 11:07