

一些背景信息-我正在使用jsgf语法为android创建一个Pocketsphinx应用程序(尽管问题仍然存在于fsg语法中).我的代码基于pocketsphinx demo for android .

A little bit of context - I'm creating a pocketsphinx application for android, using jsgf grammars (though the problem persists with fsg grammars as well). My code is based on the pocketsphinx demo for android.


Pocketsphinx is producing a bizarre issue where the accuracy appears to be degrading after only a couple of queries to the engine. The first query has near perfect accuracy - it can recognize relatively complicated and convoluted phrases without difficulty. However the second, and third recognitions can barely pick up a two syllable word, and by the fourth query to the engine, it simply fails to generate a hypothesis.


I'm not quite sure whats causing the problem, the original demo appeared to work fine, and I have hardly altered the configuration of the speech engine, other than adding a grammar. Anyway, has anyone else ever experienced something like this, or even have a suggestion as to what I could try to remedy this?



问题解决了,原来我需要-dither选项来说明零能量区域",这要感谢Nikolay Shmyrev的解决方法 https://sourceforge.net/projects/cmusphinx/forums/forum/5471/topic/5507338

Problem solved, turns out I needed the -dither option to account for 'zero energy regions' Thanks to Nikolay Shmyrev for the solution https://sourceforge.net/projects/cmusphinx/forums/forum/5471/topic/5507338


08-23 10:32