




不幸的是,我在网上找不到解释使用语法的最佳方式的源代码 - 在我看来, font-feature-settings 是前缀地狱的另一个例子。


  .element {
-moz-font-feature-settings:kern = 1,liga = 1,case = 1;

更具体地说, -moz 语法似乎很奇怪。一些来源声称这是要使用的语法:

  -moz-font-feature-settings:liga = 1 ; / * Firefox 14和之前的* / 
-moz-font-feature-settings:ligaon; / * Firefox 15 * /


  -moz-font-feature-settings:cswh = 1; 

同样适用于 -webkit 一些写的像:






顶部还有 text- rendering:optimizelegibility; code>这似乎与kern和liga相同,至少在webkit浏览器。




这意味着在和上的liga1 ,liga

正如BoltClock在对问题的评论中提到的,feature = value

Opera和IE(< 10),因此 - o - * 和 -ms - * 属性可能无用。


  .element {
-webkit-font-feature -settings:kern,liga,case; / *无变化* /
-moz-font-feature-settings:kern = 1,liga = 1,case = 1 / * Firefox 4.0到14.0 * /
-moz-font-feature-settings:kern,liga,case / * Firefox 15.0以上* /
-moz-font-feature-settings:kern1,liga1,case1; / * Firefox 15.0以后明确设置特征值* /
font-feature-settings:kern,liga,case / *无变化* /

I purchased a webfont that supports some open type features and of course I want to use them.
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find a source online that explains the best way to use the syntax - it seems to me that font-feature-settings are another example of prefix hell.

At the moment I have it written like that but I am not sure if it covers really all browsers that support those features.

.element {
    -webkit-font-feature-settings: "kern" 1, "liga" 1, "case" 1;
       -moz-font-feature-settings: "kern=1", "liga=1", "case=1";
       -moz-font-feature-settings: "kern" on, "liga" on, "case" on;
        -ms-font-feature-settings: "kern" 1, "liga" 1, "case";
         -o-font-feature-settings: "kern", "liga", "case";
            font-feature-settings: "kern", "liga", "case";

More specifically, the -moz syntax seems strange. Some sources claim that this is the syntax to be used:

-moz-font-feature-settings: "liga=1";  /* Firefox 14 and before */
-moz-font-feature-settings: "liga" on; /* Firefox 15 */

Others do it simply like this:

-moz-font-feature-settings: "cswh=1";
-moz-font-feature-settings: "cswh";

The same goes for -webkit; some write it like that:

-webkit-font-feature-settings: "liga" on, "dlig" on;

While others do it like this:

-webkit-font-feature-settings: "liga", "dlig";

Or like this:

-webkit-font-feature-settings: "liga" 1, "dlig" 1;

And on top, there is also text-rendering: optimizelegibility; which seems to be the same as "kern" and "liga", at least in webkit browsers.

So, what is the correct, bulletproof way to use Open Type font features on the web in 2013?


Well, the best place to look for how 2013 web features should work would be the W3 CSS3 Specification:

This means that "liga" 1, "liga" on and liga all do the same thing.

As BoltClock mentioned in his comment on the question, "feature=value" isn't valid syntax, and seems to be something specific to Firefox.

Opera and IE (<10) do not support font-feature-settings at all, so the -o-* and -ms-* attributes are presumably useless.

Overall, a working syntax for all currently supported browsers would appear to be:

.element {
    -webkit-font-feature-settings: "kern", "liga", "case"; /* No variation */
       -moz-font-feature-settings: "kern=1", "liga=1", "case=1"; /* Firefox 4.0 to 14.0 */
       -moz-font-feature-settings: "kern", "liga" , "case"; /* Firefox 15.0 onwards */
       -moz-font-feature-settings: "kern" 1, "liga" 1, "case" 1; /* Firefox 15.0 onwards explicitly set feature values */
            font-feature-settings: "kern", "liga", "case"; /* No variation */


08-23 10:21