Where Can i find fast library for vector and Matrix Calculations?I need high performance.
编辑:抱歉,我不够高,无法在任何地方添加评论,但刚刚注意到您提到它是用于游戏的,除非您在没有任何硬件加速的情况下用软件编写引擎,那么与其他代码相比,您从矩阵操作(假设它们用于 TCL)中获得的好处几乎为零.
Edit: Sorry, I'm not high enough to add comments anywhere but just noticed you mentioned it is for games, unless you are writing your engine in software without any hardware acceleration, then the benefits you will get from the matrix manipulations (assuming that they are for TCL) are about nil in comparison to the rest of your code.
I can't link you to any particular library, but as you are specifying high performance a couple of suggestions that may help if nobody is forthcoming with a few libraries for you:
- 利用 SSE 说明.
- 如果您有钱,那么英特尔数学库和他们的编译器都非常出色.
- 矢量和矩阵计算是 GPU 擅长的事情.不妨看看 nVidia 的 CUDA 之类的东西.