本文介绍了在Windows 7中禁用taskmgr的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



在Windows 7中执行程序期间如何禁用或隐藏taskmanager?

在Windows 7中执行程序期间如何禁用键"lwin"?

这不是病毒,而是用于Internet Point的软件.



grazie per le risposte,ma il mio i pointèmolto piu''..
非投票权代理人,达拉斯邮政总负责人,单票交易能力,个人身份证明书""navigare"(在真实情况下,个人客户可能单独享有担保权,而不适用于居民) esterno,spegernere我提供了一个很好的serata da unico punto. Pensavo di usare un semplice db condiviso.

感谢..发布...但是..Windows 7专业版或更高版本.您不能使用家庭版做到这一点."
我有Windows 7家庭计算机..我可以使用功能"findWindows"来隐藏taskmanager吗?

help me!!

How can I disable or hide taskmanager during the execution of my program in Windows 7?

How can I disable key "lwin" during the execution of my program in Windows 7?

This is not a Virus, but software for internet point.

Thank you.

Bring answer of the OP to the question.
thanks for the replies, but my point is the much more ''easy ..
I do not handle payments or otherwise, from the main station I have to do only three things, enable or disable the PC that can ''"navigate" (actually the client pc I can only start a game pokeronline, an application residing on the PC with external link ,) turn off the PC at the end of the evening in one place. I use a simple shared db.

grazie per le risposte, ma il mio i point è molto piu'' facile..
non devo gestire pagamenti o altro, dalla postazione principale devo fare solo tre cose, abilitare o disabilitare i pc che possono'' "navigare"(in realtà i pc client posso solo far partire un gioco di pokeronline, un applicazione residente sul pc con collegamento esterno,) spegnere i pc a fine serata da un unico punto. Pensavo di usare un semplice db condiviso.

and another one
thank.. for post...but ..Windows 7 "Professional or higher. You can not do this with the home versions"..
i have windows7 home..can i using funcntion "findWindows" for hide taskmanager?


这篇关于在Windows 7中禁用taskmgr的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-23 09:16