

因此,我正在尝试通过新的v2 LinkedIn API将图像发布到我的个人页面上.我正在发送以下数据:

So I am trying to post an image to my personal page through the new v2 LinkedIn API. I am sending the following data:

{"author":"urn:li:person:MYID","lifecycleState":"PUBLISHED","visibility":{"com.linkedin.ugc.MemberNetworkVisibility":"PUBLIC"},"specificContent":{"com.linkedin.ugc.ShareContent":{"shareMediaCategory":"IMAGE","shareCommentary":{"text":"Hello. Just testing the LinkedIn API."},"media":[{"status":"READY","originalUrl":"https:\/\/www.bbc.co.uk\/news","title":{"text":"BBC news"},"description":{"text":"A test post about BBC news"},"media":"urn:li:digitalmediaAsset:C4E22AQFmydgog-wKTw"}]}}}


As you'll see I've already uploaded the image and have a successful Asset ID and reference.


I get a successful id back from Linkedin: urn:li:share:651159824176993XXX but for some reason my image never appears?? What am I doing wrong?



Before creating the UGC post referencing the registered asset, you need to make sure that the asset is AVAILABLE, otherwise your image won't appear on LinkedIn.


When registering an asset, it goes through the following phases:

  1. 处理(LinkedIn可能会对图像进行一些优化/检查图像是否有效)
  2. 有空(您应该可以参加)
  3. CLIENT_ERROR(或我不记得的其他错误.基本上,您应该尝试使用其他资产)


For my app, before creating the UGC post with the image(s), I make sure the asset(s) is / are AVAILABLE first. How do I do that? By checking the status of each asset every 5 seconds with a timeout of 5 minutes (I tried it with a GIF once and to this day is still processing haha).


Once all assets are AVAILABLE, I create the UGC post referencing them, just like you did in your question.


08-23 09:07