




Just a trivial kind of question. I've got a small project open which has two scenes, and two corresponding view controllers. They are matched up properly, with each scene having its own view controller which I set in 'custom class' under identity inspector.

当我选择了第二个场景,然后点击助理编辑器时,助理编辑器会调出另一个场景的视图控制器.这是 Xcode 中的正常滴答声吗?我可以修吗?

When I have the second scene selected, and then click on assistant editor, the assistant editor brings up the view controller for the other scene. Is this a normal tick in Xcode? Can I fix it?



Xcode 有时会这样.我还没有弄清楚助理编辑器如何决定要显示的内容,尽管您始终可以通过从此列表中选择其他内容来更改它:(助理编辑器的左上角,在 < 旁边>> 按钮)

Xcode sometimes behaves like this. I haven't figured how the assistant editor decides what to show, though you can always change it by selecting something else from this list: (top left of the assistant editor, next to the < > buttons)

归功于 vrwim:

当您选择任何自动选项并且 Xcode 没有显示正确的选项时,请进行构建并再次检查列表.这在大多数情况下都能解决.

When you select any of the automatic options and Xcode doesn't show the correct one, do a build and check the list again. This fixes it most of the time.


08-23 09:06