


Here is a naive implementation of a right fold:

const foldr = f => acc => ([x, ...xs]) =>
  x === undefined
    ? acc
    : f(x) (foldkr(f) (acc) (xs));


This is non-tail recursion and hence we cannot apply a trampoline. One approach would be to make the algorithm iterative and use a stack to mimick the function call stack.


Another approch would be to transform the recursion into CPS:

const Cont = k => ({runCont: k});

const foldkr = f => acc => ([x, ...xs]) =>
  Cont(k =>
    x === undefined
      ? k(acc)
      : foldkr(f) (acc) (xs)
          .runCont(acc_ => k(f(x) (acc_))));


This is still naive, because it is insanely slow. Here is a less memory consuming version:

const foldkr = f => acc => xs => {
  const go = i =>
    Cont(k =>
      i === xs.length
        ? k(acc)
        : go(i + 1)
            .runCont(acc_ => k(f(xs[i]) (acc_))));

  return go(0);


The recursive call is now in tail position hence we should be able to apply a trampoline of our choice:

const loop = f => {
  let step = f();

  while (step && step.type === recur)
    step = f(...step.args);

  return step;

const recur = (...args) =>
  ({type: recur, args});

const foldkr = f => acc => xs =>
  loop((i = 0) =>
    Cont(k =>
      i === xs.length
        ? k(acc)
        : recur(i + 1)
            .runCont(acc_ => k(f(xs[i]) (acc_)))));


This doesn't work, because the trampoline call is inside the continuation and thus lazily evaluated. How must the trampoline be adapted so that it works with CPS?




First write the loop such that it recurs in tail position

const foldr = (f, init, xs = []) =>
    ( ( i = 0
      , k = identity
      ) =>
        i >= xs.length
          ? k (init)
          : recur
              ( i + 1
              , r => k (f (r, xs[i]))


Given two inputs, small and large, we test foldr -

const small =
  [ 1, 2, 3 ]

const large =
  Array.from (Array (2e4), (_, n) => n + 1)

foldr ((a, b) => `(${a}, ${b})`, 0, small)
// => (((0, 3), 2), 1)

foldr ((a, b) => `(${a}, ${b})`, 0, large)
// => RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

但是它使用蹦床,为什么对large失败?简短的答案是因为我们建立了一个庞大的延迟计算k ...

But it uses a trampoline, why does it fail for large? The short answer is because we built a huge deferred computation, k ...

  ( ( i = 0
    , k = identity // base computation
    ) =>
      // ...
      recur // this gets called 20,000 times
        ( i + 1
        , r => k (f (r, xs[i])) // create new k, deferring previous k


In the terminating condition, we finally call k(init) which fires off the stack of deferred computations, 20,000 function calls deep, which triggers the stack-overflow.


Before reading on, expand the snippet below to make sure we're on the same page -

const identity = x =>

const loop = f =>
{ let r = f ()
  while (r && r.recur === recur)
    r = f (...r.values)
  return r

const recur = (...values) =>
  ({ recur, values })

const foldr = (f, init, xs = []) =>
    ( ( i = 0
      , k = identity
      ) =>
        i >= xs.length
          ? k (init)
          : recur
              ( i + 1
              , r => k (f (r, xs[i]))

const small =
  [ 1, 2, 3 ]

const large =
  Array.from (Array (2e4), (_, n) => n + 1)

console.log(foldr ((a, b) => `(${a}, ${b})`, 0, small))
// (((0, 3), 2), 1)

console.log(foldr ((a, b) => `(${a}, ${b})`, 0, large))
// RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded


我们在这里看到的问题与如果同时使用compose(...)pipe(...) 20,000个功能时可能遇到的问题相同-

The problem we're seeing here is the same one you might encounter if you were to compose(...) or pipe(...) 20,000 functions together -

// build the composition, then apply to 1
foldl ((r, f) => (x => f (r (x))), identity, funcs) (1)


const comp = (f, g) =>
  x => f (g (x))

// build the composition, then apply to 1
foldl (comp, identity, funcs) 1


Sure, foldl is stack-safe and it can compose 20,000 functions, but as soon as you call the massive composition, you risk blowing the stack. Now compare that to -

// starting with 1, fold the list; apply one function at each step
foldl ((r, f) => f (r), 1, funcs)


... which does not blow the stack because the computations are not deferred. Instead the result from one step overwrites the result from the previous step until the final step is reached.


r => k (f (r, xs[i]))


comp (k, r => f (r, xs[i]))


This should highlight exactly where the problem is.


一种简单的补救方法是添加一个单独的call标签,以使蹦床中的延迟计算变平.因此,我们将直接编写call (f, x)-

One simple remedy is to add a separate call tag that flattens the deferred computation in the trampoline. So instead of calling a function directly like f (x), we'll write call (f, x) -

const call = (f, ...values) =>
  ({ call, f, values })

const foldr = (f, init, xs = []) =>
    ( ( i = 0
      , k = identity
      ) =>
        i >= xs.length

          ? call (k, init)
          : recur
              ( i + 1

              , r => call (k, f (r, xs[i]))


We modify the trampoline to act on call-tagged values -

const loop = f =>
{ let r = f ()
  while (r)
    if (r.recur === recur)
      r = f (...r.values)
    else if (r.call === call)
      r = r.f (...r.values)
  return r


Finally, we see that the large input no longer overflows the stack -

foldr ((a, b) => `(${a}, ${b})`, 0, small)
// => (((0, 3), 2), 1)

foldr ((a, b) => `(${a}, ${b})`, 0, large)
// => (Press "Run snippet" below see results ...)
const identity = x =>

const loop = f =>
{ let r = f ()
  while (r)
    if (r.recur === recur)
      r = f (...r.values)
    else if (r.call === call)
      r = r.f (...r.values)
  return r

const recur = (...values) =>
  ({ recur, values })

const call = (f, ...values) =>
  ({ call, f, values })

const foldr = (f, init, xs = []) =>
    ( ( i = 0
      , k = identity
      ) =>
        i >= xs.length
          ? call (k, init)
          : recur
              ( i + 1
              , r => call (k, f (r, xs[i]))

const small =
  [ 1, 2, 3 ]

const large =
  Array.from (Array (2e4), (_, n) => n + 1)

console.log(foldr ((a, b) => `(${a}, ${b})`, 0, small))
// (((0, 3), 2), 1)

console.log(foldr ((a, b) => `(${a}, ${b})`, 0, large))
// (Press "Run snippet" to see results ...)


recurcall似乎是魔术函数.但实际上,recurcall创建简单的对象{ ... },而loop正在完成所有工作.这样,loop是一种 evaluator ,它接受recurcall 表达式.此解决方案的一个缺点是,我们希望调用方始终在尾部位置使用recurcall,否则循环将返回错误的结果.

Above, recur and call appear to be magic functions. But in reality, recur and call create simple objects { ... } and loop is doing all of the work. In this way, loop is a type of evaluator that accepts recur and call expressions. The one down-side to this solution is that we expect the caller always to use recur or call in tail position, otherwise the loop will return an incorrect result.


This is different than the Y-combinator which reifies the recursion mechanism as a parameter, and is not limited to a tail-only position, such as recur here -

const Y = f => f (x => Y (f) (x))

const fib = recur => n =>
  n < 2
    ? n
    : recur (n - 1) + recur (n - 2) // <-- non-tail call supported

console .log (Y (fib) (30))
// => 832040


The one down-side to Y is, of course, because you control recursion by calling a function, you are still stack-unsafe just like all other functions in JS. The result is a stack-overflow -

console .log (Y (fib) (100))
// (After a long time ...)
// RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded


So would it be possible to support recur in non-tail position and remain stack-safe? Sure, a sufficiently clever loop should be able evaluate recursive expressions -

const fib = (init = 0) =>
    ( (n = init) =>
        n < 2
          ? n
          : call
              ( (a, b) => a + b
              , recur (n - 1)
              , recur (n - 2)

fib (30)
// expected: 832040

loop成为CPS尾递归函数,用于评估输入表达式callrecur等.然后将loop放在蹦床上. loop有效地成为我们自定义语言的评估者.现在您可以忘记所有有关堆栈的信息了-ndash;您现在唯一的限制就是记忆力!

loop becomes a CPS tail-recursive function for evaluating the input expressions call, recur, etc. Then we put loop on a trampoline. loop effectively becomes an evaluator for our custom language. Now you can forget all about the stack – your only limitation now is memory!


const fib = (n = 0) =>
  n < 2
    ? n
    : call
        ( (a, b) => a + b
        , call (fib, n - 1)
        , call (fib, n - 2)

loop (fib (30))
// expected: 832040


In this related Q&A, I write a normal-order evaluator for untyped lambda calculus in JavaScript. It shows how you can write programs that are freed from the implementation effects (evaluation strategy, stack model, etc) of the host language. There we're using Church-encoding, here were using call and recur, but the technique is the same.


Years back, I wrote a stack-safe variation using the technique I described above. I'll see if I can ressurrect it and later make it available in this answer. For now, I'll leave the loop evaluator as an exercise for the reader.

PART 2已添加: 循环评估器



In this related Q&A, we build a stack-safe continuation monad.


08-23 09:04