

我有一个Wordpress网站.我正在为WooCommerce使用店面主题.我已启用Ajax添加到购物车按钮.单击添加到购物车按钮并将产品成功添加到购物车后,我希望该按钮更改为查看购物车"按钮(将文本更改为查看购物车",然后链接到购物车).如果可能的话,我还想对按钮进行不同的样式设置,以使其与标准的添加到购物车"按钮区别开来. php代码是什么样的?

I have a Wordpress website. I am using the Storefront theme for WooCommerce. I have ajax add to cart buttons enabled. When an Add to Cart button is clicked and a product is successfully added to the cart I would like the button to change to a View Cart button (change the text to "View Cart", and link to the cart). If possible I would also like to style the button differently to differentiate it from the standard add to cart button. What would the php code look like?



In Woocommerce by default, when you click on "add to cart" button another button already appears on the right side with "View Cart":

这已经由woocommerce jQuery脚本完成,该脚本在添加到购物车"按钮后添加了一个链接到购物车页面的查看购物车"按钮...

This is already done by a woocommerce jQuery script, that adds after Add to cart button a "View cart" button linked to the cart page…

如果您喜欢单击其他类 "added" ,可以隐藏添加到购物车"按钮(请参见下面生成的代码):

You can hide the "add to cart" button if you like as when clicked an additional class "added" appears in it (see the generated code below):

<a rel="nofollow" href="/shop/?add-to-cart=741" data-quantity="1" data-product_id="741" data-product_sku="WN001-1" class="button product_type_simple add_to_cart_button ajax_add_to_cart added">Add to cart</a>

因此,对于CSS,您可以在其上使用display:none; ,并且仅保留查看购物车"

So with CSS you can use display:none; on it and only keep "View Cart"

.ajax_add_to_cart.added {
    display:none !important;


Then is easy to re-style that "view cart" button (linked to the cart page):

a.added_to_cart.wc-forward {
    background-color: #8c8c8c !important;
    color: white !important;
    min: .618em 2.4em !important;
a.added_to_cart.wc-forward:after {
    content: inherit; !important;

因此您不需要任何代码,只需要一些CSS ...

So you don't need any code, just some CSS…


09-05 15:51